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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

SORRY, ILLINI. Apparently, E.J. Liddell will not be transferring to Illinois.

The speculation began on Sunday when Loren Tate of The News-Gazette reported that Liddell and his family were "engaged in serious discussions" about transferring to Illinois.

It seems like a long shot, but OSU sophomore E.J. Liddell and his Belleville family have engaged in serious discussions about him transferring to Illinois. As an All-Big Ten first-team selection by the league’s coaches, he is also weighing professional possibilities while keeping the door open at OSU.

Liddell sees himself as a forward in the NBA, and wants to perfect perimeter skills after being outsized by centers like Cockburn, Iowa’s Luka Garza, Michigan’s Hunter Dickinson and others. It is not clear whether OSU’s acquisition of Indiana’s 6-11 Joey Brunk will affect Liddell’s decision.

But his father shot that down emphatically on Monday.

“No, he’s not going to Illinois,” Eric Liddell said Monday morning. “We haven’t talked to not one person from Illinois. That hasn’t even been in our household. We’re just testing the waters right now.”


He picked the Buckeyes after being a rare two-time Illinois Mr. Basketball winner from a list of finalists that was comprised of Illinois and Missouri. He was at the University of Illinois earlier this month, Liddell’s father said, because his best friend plays football for the Illini: Keith Randolph Jr., a classmate from Belleville West.

“E.J. had a hat on his head,” Eric Liddell said. “He had a hood over his hat. He has his mask on, trying for nobody to see him because he knew stuff like this was going to happen. No, nobody has talked to no Illinois about him transferring. Nowhere near that.”

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/skul...agy-talks-justin-fields-toughness-and-playoff
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Their inclusion in the G League Elite Camp means neither have yet been given invitations to the NBA draft combine. However, a "select number of players" who are standouts this weekend will be afforded the opportunity to participate in the NBA's combine as well, which is scheduled to be held June 21-27 also in the Windy City.

Liddell and Washington have to make decisions of whether or not they're staying in school by July 7.
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E.J. before the combine

“I want to get to that combine,” Liddell said during a taped interview. “I came here to show people what I can really do. I’m going to be locked in these three days and show that the main goal is the main goal.”

It was tougher going for Liddell than Washington on Monday. In a lopsided game that was ragged at both ends, he was scoreless in a 97-73 win. He did have a strong block on a Carton shot from near the rim during the fourth quarter.

After spending much of his two seasons at Ohio State in the paint, Liddell spent most of the game on the perimeter. If he returns to the Buckeyes, that figures to be his role this year.
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E.J. Liddell pulled out of 2021 NBA Draft consideration and announced on Saturday that he will remain at Ohio State for the 2021-22 season.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio...l-to-stay-at-ohio-state-for-his-junior-season
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That sure helps but I am still crushed losing Washington. I really thought he would stay as well and give the Buckeyes a shot to win the Big Ten and make a Final Four run.

It's more opportunity for guys like Meechie, Branham, Brown (which also will develop those guys more for the following season). We will miss Washington, yeah, but there are positives, too, to him seizing that opportunity and returning guys seizing theirs in turn.

Liddell would have been much tougher to replace because there isn't really anyone to do what he does for our team unless Towns plays much stronger and in peak form next season, which I certainly wouldn't count on.
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At every level of organized basketball, E.J. Liddell has brought home at least one championship.

Now he’s taking another shot at bringing one to Ohio State. The first-team all-Big Ten forward announced Saturday that he would return to college for his junior year after withdrawing from the NBA draft process. His father, Eric, told The Dispatch that there was a key factor that went into his son’s decision.

“He said he wants to win a championship,” Eric Liddell said. “He said it that exact way: ‘Dad, I won a championship in elementary school, junior high, two in high school.’ He said he wants to win a championship in college. I believe in him, because everything he’s said he wanted to do, he did it.”
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It's more opportunity for guys like Meechie, Branham, Brown (which also will develop those guys more for the following season). We will miss Washington, yeah, but there are positives, too, to him seizing that opportunity and returning guys seizing theirs in turn.

Liddell would have been much tougher to replace because there isn't really anyone to do what he does for our team unless Towns plays much stronger and in peak form next season, which I certainly wouldn't count on.
EJ eing back is huge. Just needs a little more help and a little more conditioning so he's not fading the last few minutes to end the season.
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