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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Abenaki;2280452; said:
Scary, isn't it?


Hell yeah.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

I think I would too.

What they don't really seem to notice or remember is...who the hell did that 1994 team beat? USC was the only team that finished with less than 4 losses and they were 8-3-1. 4-loss Michigan, 4-loss Ohio State, 4-loss Oregon...

Do you have EVIDENTS or FACTS to back that up? :biggrin:
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Mike80;2281898; said:

Re: 2013 Penn State Football Schedule

Aug. 31 vs. Syracuse (at New Meadowlands Stadium; East Rutherford, N.J.)- Win
Sept. 14 VIRGINIA-Win
Sept. 21 - KENT STATE-Win
Oct. 5 at Indiana-Win
Oct. 12 MICHIGAN--------------Toss up
Oct. 26 at Ohio State--------------Loss

Nov. 9 at Minnesota-Win
Nov. 16 PURDUE-Win
Nov. 23 NEBRASKA--------------Toss up
Nov. 30 at Wisconsin-Win

Just sayin': The guy is not a total idiot.

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I like how he has them going 4-0 with their first game on the road against a better team (Syracuse) while Ped State is going to be starting either a freshman or a guy who hasn't thrown more than 5 passes or whatever it is....and scUM is going to beat that ass too
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Mike80;2281912; said:
I like how he has them going 4-0 with their first game on the road against a better team (Syracuse) while Ped State is going to be starting either a freshman or a guy who hasn't thrown more than 5 passes or whatever it is....and scUM is going to beat that ass too

Blarney O'Bumblefuck is the next coming of JoPa. Did you not get the memo? It came from the desk of Anthony Lubrano.
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At least this guy is realistic.....

First, NYNY, you are nothing but a homer. Every one of your posts is something so outrageouly optimistic that it borders on ridiculous. 9 wins you say? Never. You better hope for 6-6. First of all, simply talent wise, Syracuse is much better now than they were 3 years ago. And VA will be better than this past year, and PSU will be worse. The 8-4 you witnessed this year is the best you will see in 4-5 years. Bet on it. Especially early in the year.

But you know the cult would have the last word.....:lol:

Dead wrong saltlakeirish fan. We will be an improved team next year or at least as good. The cupboard is not bare.
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Wingate1217;2281924; said:
Dead wrong saltlakeirish fan. We will be an improved team next year or at least as good. The cupboard is not bare.

Not sure when even the most homer of fans can feel they'll be an improved team next year. They lose a seasoned QB (who by the way I heard had serious moxie). And their recent recruiting classes suck:

2012: ranked 49th, 19 commits, with no 5-star and one 4-star...that's 18 of 19 commits who are 3-stars or less.
2013: ranked 34th, 18 commits, with one 5-star and three 4-stars...that's 14 of 18 commits who are 3-stars or less.

That's one 5-star and four 4-stars out of 37 commits. I can't see how any PSU fan can be optimistic over having 32 of 37 commits being 3-stars or less.
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MililaniBuckeye;2281927; said:
Not sure when even the most homer of fans can feel they'll be an improved team next year. They lose a seasoned QB (who by the way I heard had serious moxie). And their recent recruiting classes suck:

2012: ranked 49th, 19 commits, with no 5-star and one 4-star...that's 18 of 19 commits who are 3-stars or less.
2013: ranked 34th, 18 commits, with one 5-star and three 4-stars...that's 14 of 18 commits who are 3-stars or less.

That's one 5-star and four 4-stars out of 37 commits. I can't see how any PSU fan can be optimistic over having 32 of 37 commits being 3-stars or less.

The Penn State "cult fans" take "homer" to a new level. I'm sure that some of them actually believe that their recruits are all the most under rated, over achieving, diamonds in the ruff, and/or potiential all americans, etc.; and they would win the AP National Championship in 2013 if only there wasn't a massive NCAA, B1G, officiating, and media conspiracy against them.

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ScriptOhio;2281938; said:
The Penn State "cult fans" take "homer" to a new level. I'm sure that some of them actually believe that their recruits are all the most under rated, over achieving, diamonds in the ruff, and/or potiential all americans, etc.; and they would win the AP National Championship in 2013 if only there wasn't a massive NCAA, B1G, officiating, and media conspiracy against them.


I thought ThaKid was an Illinois fan?
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ScriptOhio;2281901; said:
Re: 2013 Penn State Football Schedule

Aug. 31 vs. Syracuse (at New Meadowlands Stadium; East Rutherford, N.J.)- Win
Sept. 14 VIRGINIA-Win
Sept. 21 - KENT STATE-Win
Oct. 5 at Indiana-Win
Oct. 12 MICHIGAN--------------Toss up
Oct. 26 at Ohio State--------------Loss

Nov. 9 at Minnesota-Win
Nov. 16 PURDUE-Win
Nov. 23 NEBRASKA--------------Toss up
Nov. 30 at Wisconsin-Win

Just sayin': The guy is not a total idiot.


I think they could win 6 or 7 of those games depending on how the freshman QB works out. I mean, lets be real...it's McMoxie he's replacing, not John Elway.

I don't think PSU will be very good but that schedule is pretty weak. IU, Minny, Illinois and some pretty beatable OOC games
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