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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

dav713;2282835; said:
Just saw this on fb...


Why is there an "O" on that Nebraska helmet?
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heisman;2283181; said:

when O'Brien accepted the task of being the late Joe Paterno's successor, he was told by school officials that the Jerry Sandusky scandal was a criminal matter, not an NCAA concern. That proved to be bad information as Penn State was dealt a four-year bowl ban and scholarship reductions as part of its penalties

So the school was so desperate to hire a new coach they flat out lied to O'Buttfuck to get him to accept the job. "Success with honor" my ass...
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Mike80;2283219; said:

the day it's announced I'm going to take a day off of work so I can watch BWI and drink beer all day long....the lulz will be epic

As long as it happens before signing day. O'Butterface is the only thing holding that place together. If he bolts after one season the floodgates will open. It would be best if he would leave this week to give the current players a chance to transfer before spring semester starts.
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