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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

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I love how they think the alumni, players, and Paternos should sue the University to "get the truth out". The mere fact that they are suggesting hurting the University and its STUDENTS (you know, what the university is really there for, to teach those who chose to pay to go there) because they don't like what happened to the FOOTBALL PROGRAM and JOEPA.

Yep, no culture issue in Slappy Valley amongst their fans at all.

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colobuck79;2282293; said:
And instead of addressing what is in the article, they attack the circulation numbers of the magazine. Death penalty was the only way to go......

I don't know - making these fuckers have to twist and grind in the wind like they are doing makes for entertaining reading.

After all, if you don't have the class retard (Ped State), you wouldn't know how the smart kids are (the rest of the Big Ten)
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I avoid the PSU websites like the plague..but I might take a peak to see if their is one honest fan over there or have they been silenced or driven out,,if there are sane people I wish they had a vehicle to speak so maybe this stupidity would end and PSU could finally heal and become an asset again to the conference. So far I don't see it, even the school admin. remains silent..hopefully they can shout down the idiots once all the litigation is over.
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Onebuckfan;2282298; said:
I avoid the PSU websites like the plague..but I might take a peak to see if their is one honest fan over there or have they been silenced or driven out,,if there are sane people I wish they had a vehicle to speak so maybe this stupidity would end and PSU could finally heal and become an asset again to the conference. So far I don't see it, even the school admin. remains silent..hopefully they can shout down the idiots once all the litigation is over.
They can't heal until they admit that they did something wrong. Ain't never going to happen.
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Sunrise over the Allegheny Mountains.
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This Pedster admits to brainwashing!!

Whipples Dam
Post #1089
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Re: think we can get ranked final AP poll? i know many here don;t care,, butReply Fairgambit: this past year has been so upsetting to my family it is sickening. I had no interest in watching any bowl games. Just before first bowl my son wanted a family bowl pool. I brainwashed him into being a PSU and college football fan. I have actually really enjoyed watching these bowl games. As such a big college football fan, I can't go four years without watching college bowl games. I can't see any advantage in doing so.
12/28 12:32 PM | IP: Logged

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