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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

exhawg;2283241; said:
As long as it happens before signing day. O'Butterface is the only thing holding that place together. If he bolts after one season the floodgates will open. It would be best if he would leave this week to give the current players a chance to transfer before spring semester starts.

Tommorow is Black Monday and O'Brien is going to receive interest from multiple teams. He'll be on the move well before NSD.
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Audibles goon on Bratislav O'Berkin...

Well, we just have to hope that the enthusiasm showered on the team and BOB this season as well as just the overall quality of life (great place to raise a family!) will inspire him to want to stay. I don't think that he'd be eager to move him family again so soon, especially given the uncertainty involved in an NFL job compared to his current deal at PSU.

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NFBuck;2283262; said:
Audibles goon on Bratislav O'Berkin...

Well, we just have to hope that the enthusiasm showered on the team and BOB this season as well as just the overall quality of life (great place to raise a family!) will inspire him to want to stay. I don't think that he'd be eager to move him family again so soon, especially given the uncertainty involved in an NFL job compared to his current deal at PSU.

Showered?!? That motherfucker used the word showered?
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Well, we just have to hope that the enthusiasm showered on the team and BOB this season as well as just the overall quality of life (great place to raise a family!) will inspire him to want to stay. I don't think that he'd be eager to move him family again so soon, especially given the uncertainty involved in an NFL job compared to his current deal at PSU.

Does this moron not understand that everywhere has a great quality of life, top schools, safe neighborhoods etc. when one is making 7 figures a year.
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Coqui;2283322; said:
Staying in PA after leaving their college? I wouldn't say that's a better situation.

Two different fanbases, more or less... Equally rabid and inbred, but two different demographics. PA is a microcosm of genetic mutations all the way from Allegheny county and western PA, to central PA, to the "coal regions" to Bucks county. The urban areas of Pittsburgh and Philly are wired really differently than the outlying areas. Even within Philly there's a HUGE difference between North Philly, South Philly, and the "Main Line".
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Coqui;2283322; said:
Staying in PA after leaving their college? I wouldn't say that's a better situation.

shetuck;2283336; said:
Two different fanbases, more or less... Equally rabid and inbred, but two different demographics. PA is a microcosm of genetic mutations all the way from Allegheny county and western PA, to central PA, to the "coal regions" to Bucks county. The urban areas of Pittsburgh and Philly are wired really differently than the outlying areas. Even within Philly there's a HUGE difference between North Philly, South Philly, and the "Main Line".

What shetuck said - beyond that, who is to say he's going to even live in Pennsylshitholia when he does pick up an NFL job? I sure as hell wouldn't.
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Mike80;2283347; said:
What shetuck said - beyond that, who is to say he's going to even live in Pennsylshitholia when he does pick up an NFL job? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Eh - I wouldn't mind living in Philly. I sure as hell wouldn't want to coach or manage a professional sports team there though.
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Oh man...I missed a lot of fun being away for a week.

God, I don't ask for much, and this will actually benefit many others, providing endless hours of entertainment for many members of the Buckeye Planet community and more financial security for the coach and his family.

Please, please let Buttkiss O'Butkus take an NFL job.


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Abenaki;2283648; said:
Oh man...I missed a lot of fun being away for a week.

God, I don't ask for much, and this will actually benefit many others, providing endless hours of entertainment for many members of the Buckeye Planet community and more financial security for the coach and his family.

Please, please let Buttkiss O'Butkus take an NFL job.




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when O'Brien accepted the task of being the late Joe Paterno's successor, he was told by school officials that the Jerry Sandusky scandal was a criminal matter, not an NCAA concern. That proved to be bad information as Penn State was dealt a four-year bowl ban and scholarship reductions as part of its penalties

It's hard to gauge his thought process, even if Penn State officials told them that..you would have thought someone around him...his agent perhaps would have been intelligent enough to warn him that the NCAA could get involved. Maybe he wasn't expecting penalties that harsh, but he had to have known he was getting himself in a bad situation. I mean even without the sanctions there are things to overcome.
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JBaney45;2283657; said:
It's hard to gauge his thought process, even if Penn State officials told them that..you would have thought someone around him...his agent perhaps would have been intelligent enough to warn him that the NCAA could get involved. Maybe he wasn't expecting penalties that harsh, but he had to have known he was getting himself in a bad situation. I mean even without the sanctions there are things to overcome.

He's certainly floating this around as a means of letting Ped Aggy know that the contract and buyout might not be as iron clad as they think it is.
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A devious fucker with time on his hands might want to go over there and start posting rumors about spotting Balderdash O'Ballslap at various NFL venues/airports and such.

A well photoshopped pic with him sneaking into or out of a building would be epic.

Just sayin
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Jaxbuck;2283682; said:
A devious [censored]er with time on his hands might want to go over there and start posting rumors about spotting Balderdash O'Ballslap at various NFL venues/airports and such.

A well photoshopped pic with him sneaking into or out of a building would be epic.

Just sayin
ORD? You got one more in ya? :lol:
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