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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

buckeyesin07;2284181; said:

YGBFKM. The NCAA should say, "Fine, we'll vacate the sanctions," and toss that immoral clown college out of the NCAA entirely like it should've done in the first place.
You know what to do, NCAA. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO...

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The State of Pennsylvania is already saying that the lawsuit is not at the behest of the university and a university official is saying that Penn State has "no involvement". If that is true, then what standing does the state have in this matter and how will this lawsuit not be tossed at the first opportunity on that basis?
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jlb1705;2284193; said:
The State of Pennsylvania is already saying that the lawsuit is not at the behest of the university and a university official is saying that Penn State has "no involvement". If that is true, then what standing does the state have in this matter and how will this lawsuit not be tossed at the first opportunity on that basis?

If I had to guess it would be a suit over control of the money. Where it's spent, how, how much, etc etc etc. I don't think for one second the Gov gives a flying fuck about Joe's record, scholarship reductions or anything else football related.
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jlb1705;2284193; said:
The State of Pennsylvania is already saying that the lawsuit is not at the behest of the university and a university official is saying that Penn State has "no involvement". If that is true, then what standing does the state have in this matter and how will this lawsuit not be tossed at the first opportunity on that basis?

Good point. They're clearly trumpeting the fact that PSU has no involvement in an attempt to get around the idea that PSU not challenge the sanctions or they'll be worse. This way, PSU gets to challenge the sanctions but does so indirectly so that Emmert can't claim PSU violated their understanding.

Honestly, Emmert should've seen this coming, and this is just the latest example of how he mucked up the whole situation. He should've been able to see that PSU would challenge ANY sanctions the NCAA levied; accordingly, levying lesser sanctions than what that clown college deserved (the death penalty) in an attempt to extend them an olive leaf and avoid them challenging sanctions was a fruitless exercise. He should've been able to see they'd not live up to their word. And now here we are.
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I work with Penn State fans in PA and there is definitely a tone deafness to how this fiasco is perceived by the rest of the country. They truly believe they've been wronged by the NCAA, and have no idea how much the rest of us think they deserve it (and maybe more). Now if you press them on the severity of the Sandusky issues they don't downplay them, but there's a disconnect between those acts and the sanctions on the football program.

It's astounding.
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I'm up for this trade....

The State of Penn sues and wins getting the sanctions reduced....

Then the Feds step in and smack the crap out of the school taking all federal money away from them causing the school to shut its doors.....

sounds fair to me :biggrin:
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Jake;2284361; said:
I work with Penn State fans in PA and there is definitely a tone deafness to how this fiasco is perceived by the rest of the country. They truly believe they've been wronged by the NCAA, and have no idea how much the rest of us think they deserve it (and maybe more). Now if you press them on the severity of the Sandusky issues they don't downplay them, but there's a disconnect between those acts and the sanctions on the football program.

It's astounding.

That line of thinking originated from the Zombie's letter that miraculously surfaced after his death--the overriding theme of that letter (besides the fact that the Zombie himself was blameless, of course) was that the Sandusky affair "wasn't a football issue." The mouth breathing PSU fanbase, predictably, adopted that line of thinking ever since.
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The Pennsylvania State University is a state owned institution. All employees there (including Zombie Joe and Slappy) are recognized as tenured STATE EMPLOYEES.

So, this whole, "Oh the school isn't involved," is a crock of shiat.
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