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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

ORD_Buckeye;2278111; said:
All those posts, and nobody is mentioning the one guy responsible for the championship: The defensive "genius" whose scheme shut down arguably the greatest offensive team of its era.

We all know it was Pedterno's genius....

Ped Stater's do propaganda in a way that would make the 30's era Nazis proud.
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Love this Gem

No. PSU had JoePa, while ND has that asshole Kelly. JoePa never continued a practice after a student assistant he was responsible for died.

Yea... because the headcoach allowing children to be raped and turning a blind eye is so much better then what Kelly did.
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Roundabout;2278165; said:
No. PSU had JoePa, while ND has that asshole Kelly. JoePa never continued a practice after a student assistant he was responsible for died.

Yea... because the headcoach allowing children to be raped and turning a blind eye is so much better then what Kelly did.

Yeah somehow these guys make FReepers look relevant and well-connected with society. I really wonder how any of these people actually function in life.
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I was in DC this week and had the privilege to hear an Army 3-star talk about future conflicts.

During Q&A an E-5 stood up and asked the LTG if he thought ND or Bama would win. He said ND...then said he is a Penn State fan. I chuckled a bit then he finished it of with, "God bless Joe Pa." WTF!?

This guy used to lead SOCOM. Cults, man.
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LovelandBuckeye;2278196; said:
I was in DC this week and had the privilege to hear an Army 3-star talk about future conflicts.

During Q&A an E-5 stood up and asked the LTG if he thought ND or Bama would win. He said ND...then said he is a Penn State fan. I chuckled a bit then he finished it of with, "God bless Joe Pa." WTF!?

This guy used to lead SOCOM. Cults, man.

A few more like him, and we'd all better start learning Chinese.
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LovelandBuckeye;2278196; said:
I was in DC this week and had the privilege to hear an Army 3-star talk about future conflicts.

During Q&A an E-5 stood up and asked the LTG if he thought ND or Bama would win. He said ND...then said he is a Penn State fan. I chuckled a bit then he finished it of with, "God bless Joe Pa." WTF!?

This guy used to lead SOCOM. Cults, man.

ORD_Buckeye;2278199; said:
A few more like him, and we'd all better start learning Chinese.

Well since he's from SOCOM, maybe he's helping develop a gas grenade that makes the enemy want to play tickle monster in the shower with each other....
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Post #8894
Mountaintop, PA
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My daughter texted me from a plane in Louisville, KY heading to Cleveland.Reply She says there are a bunch of guys in PSU gear talking about heading to Happy Valley. I told her Penn Staters are everywhere.
12/16 9:42 AM | IP: Logged

Post #5
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Re: My daughter texted me from a plane in Louisville, KY heading to Cleveland.Reply
Probably guys from NAMBLA. Ped State will be heaven for that group......
12/16 9:53 AM | IP: Logged
You know, if the Big Ten ever does the right thing and disassociated with the Pedsters, I'd invite Pitt in a heartbeat simply because their fans has brought it consistently.

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ORD_Buckeye;2279224; said:
Anyone thinking about heading over to BWI to come back with today's best example of full retard needn't bother. I win the PRIZE.

You must click on the link and read Ziegler's impassioned defense of....well, Ziegler.

I give him credit. He saw a cult without a leader and stepped in to fill the void. His huckster skills are top-notch.

JZ, WE ARE With You!
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ORD_Buckeye;2279224; said:
Anyone thinking about heading over to BWI to come back with today's best example of full retard needn't bother. I win the PRIZE.

You must click on the link and read Ziegler's impassioned defense of....well, Ziegler.

Just when you think Franco, Lubrano, Ziegler, and tons of other idiots in that fanbase can't get any worse, they consistently one up each other in a contest of who can best play the role of school embarrassment, head-in-the-sand clown.
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