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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

I hope he isn't banned - I'd hate to think I missed whatever it was he might have done to get such a punishment. No one ever argued with him - I don't think anyone saw the cards in his hand until he was ready to lay them down.
Well I can't find anywhere in here where the mighty Hunter outed himself. I do remember someone else outing, but not the Hunter.
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That said, I do wish we had an O$U-quality AD, President, and BOT. They actually like and recognize the importance of a successful football program.

One of the things Penn State fans like to point out is what they consider to be the culture problem of other teams. THEY don't have a culture problem. In their minds, Ohio State is a "football factory" - not caring about academics at all. So when I see them envious of something Ohio State has, I have to find it funny.
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One of the things Penn State fans like to point out is what they consider to be the culture problem of other teams. THEY don't have a culture problem. In their minds, Ohio State is a "football factory" - not caring about academics at all. So when I see them envious of something Ohio State has, I have to find it funny.
Their coach, AD, President, VP of Operations/Supercop turned a blind eye to children being raped for the sake of a successful football program.....and this guy wishes their AD, President, and Board would put MORE focus into the football team?
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One of the things Penn State fans like to point out is what they consider to be the culture problem of other teams. THEY don't have a culture problem. In their minds, Ohio State is a "football factory" - not caring about academics at all. So when I see them envious of something Ohio State has, I have to find it funny.
Doesn't he mean they need old refs? Like Joe's old hand picked cronies?
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Doesn't he mean they need old refs? Like Joe's old hand picked cronies?

Yeah, you know.....like the fathers of players. Seriously, most high school leagues won't allow a father to ref his kid's team's games. That's how crooked Paterno was. And for anyone who doesn't know, Joesus' refs would always start throwing phantom holding calls whenever an opponent would start to put a good drive together. That's why the pedsters start drooling and screaming for holding calls all the time. They are conditioned like Pavlov's fucking dog to expect it.

And the great Joesus' was so shocked that the other Eastern Independents wouldn't join him in the conference that he tried to hatch where everyone knew he would be the de-facto commissioner and went so far as to blackball his ass out of the Big East after they joined.
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Don't even know what to say.


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