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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Yeah....you're operating under the impression that they're reasonable and logical. You'll get banned. Within 3 days.

The only way you stick around is if you create a troll account that posts enough like a PSU fan to not be figured out.
I think this is a challenge He must accept. Go in there very reasonably with reasonable disagreement and see how long he can last.
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I still wonder how CR66 has lasted so long over there. Even the most non-confrontational post from CR66 over there these days results in multiple Joebots calling him a BoT bootlicker or a ball washer or begging McAndrew to please make the bad man go away. It never gets old seeing how the Cult goes into complete meltdown just from an appearance by CR66.
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I think this is a challenge He must accept. Go in there very reasonably with reasonable disagreement and see how long he can last.

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Nope. Can't do that until you've built up your cult credentials. You won't be around for long if you show up and start disagreeing no matter how thoughtful and respectful you think you're being.

Yeah....you're operating under the impression that they're reasonable and logical. You'll get banned. Within 3 days.

The only way you stick around is if you create a troll account that posts enough like a PSU fan to not be figured out.
Oh God no. I had no intention of going over as a Buckeye fan or as "Abenaki". I meant creating a troll account to stir up some fun with on a long con.
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I still wonder how CR66 has lasted so long over there. Even the most non-confrontational post from CR66 over there these days results in multiple Joebots calling him a BoT bootlicker or a ball washer or begging McAndrew to please make the bad man go away. It never gets old seeing how the Cult goes into complete meltdown just from an appearance by CR66.

I think it's because he actually has connections to the administration and board. They'll never get to vent directly to Peetz or the President, so they keep him around as the next best thing. Maybe McAndrew is dense enough to actually believe that he takes their crazy bullshit to the circles of power.
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Oh God no. I had no intention of going over as a Buckeye fan or as "Abenaki". I meant creating a troll account to stir up some fun with on a long con.

You still have to mouth cult nonsense for at least 200 posts before they'll feel comfortable with you, and I'm not sure that'll do it post-TugSpeedwell if you start disagreeing with the echoes. And set up a fake gmail account that traces back to another fake gmail account. Considering that McAndrew has no problem posting the home addresses and telephone numbers of Big Ten refs, your e-mail address will not remain confidential if you really piss off the cult.

What is funny is that they'll ban a newcomer for not being a cultist almost immediately, but they have no problem with that batch of newcomers who, I have a feeling, might be actual pedophiles. Essentially, most of the cult is rooting openly (or quietly) for Sandusky's innocence as a means to an end--it would absolve Joesus of wrongdoing and bring back his legacy, success with honor, grand experiment bullshit and the statute would go back up. There's a small batch of newcomers, though, who clearly view arguing Sandusky's innocence as an end in itself rather than something to serve the cause of Joesus. These are the really creepy ones that have started to show up on there, and I don't believe they're trolls. Whatever crazy cult nonsense Tug Speedwell mouthed, I could never in a million years have written crap about "being touchy with boys but knowing boundries" and argued that soap battles were just "bad judgment." We know that Todd Brewster is a real person, and I bet the rest are too.
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You still have to mouth cult nonsense for at least 200 posts before they'll feel comfortable with you, and I'm not sure that'll do it post-TugSpeedwell if you start disagreeing with the echoes. And set up a fake gmail account that traces back to another fake gmail account. Considering that McAndrew has no problem posting the home addresses and telephone numbers of Big Ten refs, your e-mail address will not remain confidential if you really piss off the cult.

What is funny is that they'll ban a newcomer for not being a cultist almost immediately, but they have no problem with that batch of newcomers who, I have a feeling, might be actual pedophiles. Essentially, most of the cult is rooting openly (or quietly) for Sandusky's innocence as a means to an end--it would absolve Joesus of wrongdoing and bring back his legacy, success with honor, grand experiment bull[Mark May] and the statute would go back up. There's a small batch of newcomers, though, who clearly view arguing Sandusky's innocence as an end in itself rather than something to serve the cause of Joesus. These are the really creepy ones that have started to show up on there, and I don't believe they're trolls. Whatever crazy cult nonsense Tug Speedwell mouthed, I could never in a million years have written crap about "being touchy with boys but knowing boundries" and argued that soap battles were just "bad judgment." We know that Todd Brewster is a real person, and I bet the rest are too.
It's really more we're-completely-dead-and-I'm-bored-at-work spitballing than anything else. I'm a streaky poster here, let alone having the initiative to keep something up there.
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Here is a highly-entertaining thread (already over 100 posts in less than six hours) in which the Cult rants about hated Harrisburg Patriot-News columnist Dave Jones naming the four people most responsible for Penn St. football surviving the sanctions. Jones' choices: Rodney Erickson, Bill O'Brien, George Mitchell and Jim Delany. Naturally, the Cult is enraged at the choices of Erickson and Delany in particular and the exclusion of Michael Mauti. :slappy:

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Here is a highly-entertaining thread (already over 100 posts in less than six hours) in which the Cult rants about hated Harrisburg Patriot-News columnist Dave Jones naming the four people most responsible for Penn St. football surviving the sanctions. Jones' choices: Rodney Erickson, Bill O'Brien, George Mitchell and Jim Delany. Naturally, the Cult is enraged at the choices of Erickson and Delany in particular and the exclusion of Michael Mauti (may God rest his soul). :slappy:

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Here is a highly-entertaining thread (already over 100 posts in less than six hours) in which the Cult rants about hated Harrisburg Patriot-News columnist Dave Jones naming the four people most responsible for Penn St. football surviving the sanctions. Jones' choices: Rodney Erickson, Bill O'Brien, George Mitchell and Jim Delany. Naturally, the Cult is enraged at the choices of Erickson and Delany in particular and the exclusion of Michael Mauti. :slappy:


Anyone who wants the pedsters to leave and end up in some crappy ACC North where they have an easy ride to a championship game with FSU every year isn't playing this game correctly. The utter misery and helplessness that they feel trapped in this "corrupt, Midwestern, rust-belt conference run by Ohio State and Michigan" is just pure joy. I'm stayin', Dude. Enjoyin' my pedster tears.

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trying to read one of those threads is like reading War and Peace...you need a list of characters and the abbreviations of their names as used by the cult

all that obsession ultimately just comes back to their worship of Paterno
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