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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

The FAX! and EVIDENTS clearly show that the STATUTE must be returned.


The Board is not ready to admit it made bad choices, just like the Japanese were not ready to surrender at the beginning of August 1945. Well, we know how the latter position worked out for the Japanese.
:slappy: is he serious? I guess the cult's nukes are FACTS and EVIDENTS instead of fat boy and little man?

Active Member

Sep 27, 2009
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B_Levinson said:
The University survived and is stronger than ever because the alumni effectively declared war on the BOT, and drove more than half of those responsible for 11/9/2011 off the Board in disgrace. It is because these Trustees' reputations are in ruins (along with that of the NCAA) that the University is regaining its reputation.
So your position is that research grants for the University have increased, and applications for admission to Penn State have reached record levels and Penn State continuing to be the highest recruited school by employers was all caused because the alumni declared war on the BoT. In a sane world that would seem preposterous, but this board has never been accused of being in that world. Amazing.

"Hey Dad, I want to apply to Penn State because their alumni effectively declared war on Penn State's BoT."

cult logic explained?
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At first I thought this would be funny. Some guy proposes to divide college football into 8 conferences of 8-9, with the winner of each making the playoffs. Then, he makes the conferences. I scrolled down expecting Penn State to be in a magical conference with no other teams. Surprise, surprise, he put Ohio State in that conference, too. Ha!

Boston College
Ohio State
Penn State
West Virginia
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I think I could toe the line enough to stick around a while...I'm not going to pop in and say "Joe was a pedophile enabler!" Just disagree enough to get some reaction.

Nope. Can't do that until you've built up your cult credentials. You won't be around for long if you show up and start disagreeing no matter how thoughtful and respectful you think you're being.
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I think I could toe the line enough to stick around a while...I'm not going to pop in and say "Joe was a pedophile enabler!" Just disagree enough to get some reaction.
Yeah....you're operating under the impression that they're reasonable and logical. You'll get banned. Within 3 days.

The only way you stick around is if you create a troll account that posts enough like a PSU fan to not be figured out.
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