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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

They stole it from Marshall.


When the cheerleaders accompanied the 1975 football team to Columbus for its third game of the season, they were thunderstruck by the energy and enthusiasm of the 88,000 in the Horseshoe.
"We watched as this loud roar of 'O-H' rolled down the field to an 'I-O,' " recalled Don Mains, then a sophomore and the Penn State "mike man," the cheerleader who leads the crowd in cheers with a microphone.
"It was phenomenal," said Dennis, another sophomore at the time. "They started to do this 'O-H… I-O' back and forth. We were impressed."

None of the Penn State cheerleaders can remember the opponent, but when they saw the USC cheerleaders leading the home crowd in a rapid chant of "We are SC!" they knew they were on to something. The USC cheer was fast-paced, with only a slight pause between the "We are" and the "SC." It was repeated rapidly several times: "We are SC! We are SC! We are SC!"
So using the Ohio State and Southern Cal cheers as their framework, the Penn State cheerleaders developed a new cheer for 1976 and tested it in the student section, then located in the north end of Beaver Stadium. The first three games of the season were all at home - Stanford, Ohio State and Iowa - and the cheerleaders tried to get the students to cheer "We are Penn State!" without any pauses between the words.

It looks like they stole it from SC as a way to be like Ohio State.
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The cheer is so popular among the Penn State cognoscenti that it is often shouted throughout the world by strangers wearing something that ties them to their Penn State background.

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I'll let them out themselves if they wish....but the info is somewhere in the almost 1200 pages of this thread.

I actually forget the username but remember the icon.

I did a search and scanned through the results quickly. I didn't see anything. I don't know that I really want to know. Like a magician with his illusions - it's fun to think of the magic.

Maybe it's BN27.
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