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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

They don't say a word about the victims' (or whatever you call them) testimony. But then, why would the most important testimony matter.

Child rape is OK in happy valley. The one dude is basically admitting to be a child predator except "he only touchy, feelied, but didn't cross any boundaries" and we have a queue of mountain hicks lining up to agree with him. Fucking unbelievable.

But Hey! Football!
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Todd Brewster: "OldTiredLion, I have done many ventures with kids. I am very touchy feely, but I observed boundaries. IMO Jerry was similar, but he was stubborn and did things his way...

In true Penn State form, the community knows they have a real world child predator in their midst.....and continues to talk about nothing other than Joe Paterno's legacy.

I know i shouldn't be shocked but I actually still am.
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There's something about Todd Brewster and a few others on there that just screams they've got this big secret that they can't tell anyone but they really, really want to tell everyone. So, they dance as close to the line as possible without actually spilling the beans. I seriously wonder whether BWI has become some kind of meeting place for peds where they send out their signals and then pm each other. What other legit(as crazy as it is, it's part of Rivals/Yahoo) forum on the internet would allow this kind of shit? If I were McAndrew I would have seriously alerted the FBI (or whatever the appropriate gov. agency is) to Todd Brewster. Then again, that's just not how they roll in Happy Valley.
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There's something about Todd Brewster and a few others on there that just screams they've got this big secret that they can't tell anyone but they really, really want to tell everyone. So, they dance as close to the line as possible without actually spilling the beans. I seriously wonder whether BWI has become some kind of meeting place for peds where they send out their signals and then pm each other. What other legit(as crazy as it is, it's part of Rivals/Yahoo) forum on the internet would allow this kind of [Mark May]? If I were McAndrew I would have seriously alerted the FBI (or whatever the appropriate gov. agency is) to Todd Brewster. Then again, that's just not how they roll in Happy Valley.

McAndrew is probably neck (or otherwise) deep into it...

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