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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

That really is a problem.

Jay also wrote letters to Dana Holgorsen (WVU) and Mark Richt (Georgia). He mentions Joe in the letter to Richt, but not the other letter.

The bizarre thing --- as of December 23, 2014, the day these letters were written --- there were 2011 Penn State assistant coaches on the staff of EACH of Ohio State (LJ Sr), WVU (Tom Bradley), and Georgia (John Thomas).

SO YOU SHOULD MENTION THOSE GUYS!!!! You know, the people who worked with you directly (and aren't dead)! Have experience with how you've performed on the job!

It's really one of two things that Jay didn't mention those guys ---- (1) he's kind of dumb as to how job referrals work, or (2) he didn't want those coaches being asked, because they might say stuff like "yeah, Jay .... him. Kind of a poor coach. In fact, he almost got in a fight in the locker room with one of our defensive backs at halftime of the Illinois game in 2011."
Given the date, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he was crazy drunk for the holidays when he wrote those.
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Good Lord.

Someone needs to burn a troll in this thread.

"The song that reminds me of childhood is 'The Candy Man' by Sammy Davis Jr.

Jerry and Joe used to sing along with it while Jerry was raping me in the ass."

Don't ever associate Mr. Sammy Davis Jr. with that godforsaken pedophile hellhole. Sammy was one of the greatest human beings ever to grace us with his talent. Sammy was nothing but heart and soul and a man too good to live in a world with JoePed.

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Thread is now 34 minutes old. Still not dead.

Your Penn State Football Fandom 4 Years since the JS scandal?

If you looked objectively at your fandom of Penn St. Football - or broadly speaking - that of the community, would you say it is stronger, weaker, or unchanged from 5 years ago/before the allegations were made?

If it is weaker, why? Have you ever found yourself a bit ashamed to have supported a team during such a long period of unspeakable tragedy that may or may have not been covered up. Do you now think twice about wearing a penn state football hat in a social gathering because you are worried that people will judge you about being indifferent to the tragedy? Have you wondered how to explain to your children that you groom to be Penn St. fans what exactly happened? Are you posting on BWI forums?

If it is stronger, why? Have you ever found yourself a little shocked that your reaction was to more fervently support a program that harbored a pedophile because of the international disgust levied at your university? Do you view wearing PSU football clothing as a defiant act - similar to the university spending 5mm annually on a coach - like a middle finger to those who wanted to destroy your rural community intercollegiate football program? Is it just because you were growing weary of Paterno and are just excited about the professionalism of O'Brien and now the energy that Franklin has infused?

Or could your support really be the same as it was 5 years ago and just indifferent to anything that doesn't take place on the gridiron? If so - how?

As for me, growing up guido in South Jersey and Philly, I loved both Paterno/PSU and Rutgers growing up and even after having gone to UofM, but this scandal left me to despise the PSU football program and question the need in one's rich life to actually support the football program at this point. But almost as amazing that it has been nearly four years now is the level at which PSU has rebounded and even broken out as a regional recruiting menace to both UofM and RU. Curious your thoughts on how your/the community support has evolved in the wake of the scandal.
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I haven't checked out Alabama message boards, but is there a chance that Penn State fans are more offended than Alabama fans about the fact that Ohio State fans showed up at the SEC media days?

They were Auburn fans, which adds an extra twist of stupidity to everything said in that thread.

And since it was mentioned, I'd like a brief explanation as to how the refs helped Joey Bosa win the game on this play...

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Not so much a "look how stupid the cult is now" post, but I found this post funny, anyway. It's just bashing people, in general. I get the feeling that the vast majority of people believe that they're smarter than the average person. So when someone calls someone else "stupid" or an "idiot", I tend to not take it too seriously.


Time is not on ESPN's side. I look at my kids, all young 20 somethings, and they are much less interested in sports than my generation. Also, they all think the cable bill is silly. They think paying $150-$180 a month to the cable company is absolute lunacy. Now that HBO has essentially broken away from cable, they have even less interest in an expensive cable bundle.
The other thing is, ESPN is just not all that appealing. Every time I see it on, it's a panel of arrogant middle aged men talking about sports between tons of commercials. There's about a million things I would rather watch than that. It's about as entertaining as watching the Weather Channel -- which is also dying.
I think ESPN kind of built this bubble by demanding ever-higher fees from the cable companies. And then other channels followed suit and little by little, the cable bundle went from $50 a month to $180 or even $200. That's just too much money for the value it's delivering. $200 a month for TV is just not sustainable. People's entertainment budget is limited and there is a lot of competition for that money.
Now of course ESPN is trapped -- it's committed to many billions of dollars for broadcast rights. But its ability to just basically impose those costs on cable subscribers is suddenly limited.

I bolded that part of the sentence. So he's a middle-aged man (I'm guessing, since his kids are all young 20-somethings), and he seems very arrogant in this post. And he's calling out ESPN for being arrogant. Maybe arrogance and arrogance don't get along. I don't know - I just found that part funny.
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