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Oklahoma dismisses QB Bomar/NCAA probation



:slappy: Outstanding!

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that isn't a Soonersfans fark.
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It's on the front page of espn.com, albeit over to the side. Apparently, ESPN thinks that deciding which Boston player -- Bird or Papi -- is more clutch is more important than the Bomar news. :shake:

In ESPN's defense I'm slightly more entertained by Simmon's article than by Bomar's dismissal. I really think he's hilarious, one of the most entertaining columnists today. His columns are almost always the cover story.
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it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Bomar's daddy was his high school football coach in a suburb of Dallas. he ran a total passing offense to get the kids' stats up so he'd get a scholarship even though they didn't have the horses to play that style. he didn't develop anybody else or care about anything else. coached Rhett - too bad for the rest of the team. so, of course, the team got beat up a lot but his kid lit up the record books. Rhett goes to OU and then, of course, his daddy leaves to go coach elsewhere leaving a team in utter shambles with a ton of losses over the last three years and no "program" in place. very sad.

supposedly they threatened Stoopes with transferring if he didn't start last year. am betting Stoopes really really wishes they'd moved on last year ...

I never thought the Bomars would burn down OU like they did Grand Prarie High School. nice goin' guys. :(

who can we get to introduce the Bomars to Lllloyd? :wink2:
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I know that I am supposed to hate OU and wish ill will upon their program and the like, but I really hate to see this crap. For one, as I have admitted on another thread, the Big XII is down right now, and the way OU might be headed this year, they Big XII might appear even weaker this year.

Maybe I just went to UT at the wrong times, maybe I just don't understand the hatred of anything and everything associated with a University because they are a rival, but I want OU to be the best that they can be, and then I want UT to beat them. I don't want to see another Big XII team take their place, UT doesn't play NU or CU every year, and they don't play either of them at a neutral site in the middle of a GD State Fair. Sure, I would rather be on the other end of the 50 point shalackings, but I would personally rather see a close game, with the good guys coming out on top, not big brother picking on little brother.

As Bomar, it sucks that Bomar was stupid enough to take these payments, but it sucks even more that jack ass boosters can cause this type of crap for a college kid and a college football team. There needs to be stiff penalties for those idiots.

But alas, I don't think it makes that much of a difference b/c haven't you heard? Bomar sucks, he couldn't even win at the high school level, the only thing he has been successful at in college is drinking games, Robison posterized him last year :wink2:
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Maybe I just went to UT at the wrong times, maybe I just don't understand the hatred of anything and everything associated with a University because they are a rival, but I want OU to be the best that they can be, and then I want UT to beat them. I don't want to see another Big XII team take their place, UT doesn't play NU or CU every year, and they don't play either of them at a neutral site in the middle of a GD State Fair. Sure, I would rather be on the other end of the 50 point shalackings, but I would personally rather see a close game, with the good guys coming out on top, not big brother picking on little brother.

I tend to feel the same way about Michigan. I don't understand the unbridled hatred that some display towards the Wolverines. Ohio State and Michigan are like Yin and Yang. We need each other to be 'complete' and to make each other better. (This exact sentiment was eloquently stated in an *excellent* post I saw here on BP a few years back, I forget who or when it was posted though) I would imagine you feel the same way about OU.

edit: found the thread here.
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Exactly, DallasBuckeye. Although I didn't think his dad was head coach?? Either way, his dad has been acting like his agent ever since he was a high school junior. They had some choice words to say about the Texas program.

Man, the 2003 and 2004 recruiting classes were originally "disappointing". Texas seems to have lucked out by not getting all these head cases. Fred Rouse, Ryan Perriloux, Martellus Bennet (although he seems to have settled down), and now Rhett Bomar.
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