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Oklahoma dismisses QB Bomar/NCAA probation

Nah, I'd rather just see someone at USC publicly acknowledge all the problems the program has been having and publicly or privately tell Carroll to shape up or get out. And I'd like the NCAA to punish USC for the improper benefits that Jarrett and Bush received. Then I'd be happy. :biggrin:

Welcome to three months ago

But now, controversy. Perhaps success breeds this kind of attention. Past national champions like Clemson, Miami, Washington, Florida State and Ohio State have been targets of allegations that resulted in investigations.

Carroll isn't shying away, although he realizes the school's image has been tarnished for now. He was emphatic concerning the effort made to inform players and their families about what can go wrong.

“We've been all over this,” he said. “We're trying to inform and educate better than anybody in the country. We have to send the message so clear. It's about creating a conscience with the players first.

“It starts all the way back to junior day, the first day we bring future recruits on campus. We start talking about what this all means, what this is all about, and it just goes on throughout.”

Even so, Carroll said, he's ultimately responsible as the head coach.

“I'm not going to make excuses for any part of this,” he said. “I'm not going to point the finger at somebody else. I'm the one who has to continue to get this done. I've got to do a better job.”

As for NCAA punishment, Jarrett is ineligible.

and what did he get, nothing

Jarrett is ineligible. HTH
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