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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

I am not sure if there is really a favorite...I have seen every expert pick a mixture of Iowa, OSU, and Mizzou, some even with Minnesota. Mizzou has the most momentum and ability to produce the most champions, but they are likely to have less AA's overall, so they will need 3 guys in the finals imo to win it (three of Waters, Cox, Houdshelt, and maybe Mayes) or get some big upsets elsewhere. Our big looming matchups (assuming we wrestle well in the first few rounds) will be Tomasello vs. Waters and Snyder vs. Cox...both very winnable and at least getting one of those would be huge. The key for us is in the consolations imo. We are going to have some losses in quarters/semi's...hopefully not a ton but we have some really tough roads to the finals. All three of our freshman will face the #1 seed before finals (assuming they get there, which is pretty tough itself...particularly for Bo matching up with Sulzer in the quarters). Johnny D will hopefully get to semi's but he would face Dardanes, who I highly doubt he beats. IF Demas beats Kelly and Murphy, I highly doubt he beats Green in the quarters. We have 9 guys imo that could all AA...Martin and Courts are highly unlikely, but the point is we need to get some wins after they drop down into consolations.

Awesome they are showing all of it though, I am pumped. But here is a link to all the broadcast times for the tourney: Link
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This article is just not about Logan but is about Ohio State's quest for the championship. Logan does give a lot of credit to Jaggers for his development and also says that his brother is pretty tough and is going to give it a go this weekend.

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Long before anyone spoke of Ohio State senior Logan Stieber winning four NCAA wrestling championships, Buckeyes coach Tom Ryan was in the stands when he first saw Stieber at a high school tournament.

"I was in the bleachers, just drooling,'' Ryan recalled this week. "As a coach, I was salivating, saying 'Holy Christmas, this kid is unbelievable.'"

That was in December 2006 and Stieber was a sophomore at tiny Monroeville High, 60 miles west of Cleveland. Ryan was in his first season at Ohio State, aiming to build a national champion, a goal that might finally be realized this weekend, with Stieber leading the way to what could be a historic weekend for the Buckeyes and college wresting.

Stieber is on the precipice of becoming just the fourth wrestler to win four NCAA championships, joining Pat Smith, Cael Sanderson and Kyle Dake. No one is betting against the driven, 141-pound Stieber, who hasn't lost a match since 2013.
much much more at http://www.cleveland.com/osu/index.ssf/2015/03/if_logan_stieber_wins_fourth_t.html
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Awesome they are showing all of it though, I am pumped. But here is a link to all the broadcast times for the tourney: Link
Here is a much faster link from 11 Warriors
All six sessions will be televised. ESPNU will televise the first and second rounds Thursday, the quarterfinals on Friday, and the medal round on Saturday. ESPN3 will carry individual mat feeds throughout the entire tournament, including the return of Off the Mat during the finals. ESPN3 will once again offer multi-mat, simultaneous streams, which will allow fans to watch up to four different mats at one time.

ESPN will televise the semifinals on Friday and finals on Saturday in prime time.

Thursday, March 19

First Session – Noon (ET)
Pigtails & First Round
Second Session - 7 p.m. (ET)
Wrestlebacks Pigtails, Wrestleback First Round & Second Round

Friday, March 20
Third Session - 11 a.m. (ET)
Quarterfinals & Wrestleback Second and Third Rounds
Fourth Session - 8 p.m. (ET)
Semifinals & Wrestleback Fourth and Fifth Rounds

Saturday, March 21
Fifth Session - 11 a.m. (ET)
Wrestleback Semifinals & Third, Fifth and Seventh-Place Rounds
Sixth Session - 8 p.m. (ET)
Championships Finals
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feel bad for Hunter but at least he gave it a go:sad:
Yeah, that is disappointing. And I mean that from the team side, but more importantly regarding Hunter who has been so good for the program.

Ohio State Wrestling ‏@wrestlingbucks 3m3 minutes ago
Through six matches, #Buckeyes are 5-1 with two pins and one tech fall. #GoBucks #WT3 #D1wrestle
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Are there any notable upsets involving other teams that sets them back or makes them more dangerous? TIA
Of note...
#5 Dziewa (Iowa) loses to Jack (NC State)
#9 LaVallee (Mizzou) loses to Brascetta (Va Tech)
Kelly & Moore (Iowa) both lost
#4 Eblen (Mizzou) lost
#11 Pfarr (Minny) loses to Patrick (Davidson)
#3 Telford (Iowa) falls to Myers (MD)

Ohio State went 7-3, Mizzou went 7-3, Iowa went 6-4, Michigan went 6-4, and the Illini went 6-4, PSU went 7-0
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Johnny D just got murdered at 133 by a 9-1 MD...horrible draw to get Brewer on his second match (two time AA). Logan got another pin though and Tomsello won by a major, so that will get us some nice team points. Big win for Courts but that was greatly negated by Martin losing a match he should have won...but Courts should have a good shot at winning one more in the championships though (fingers crossed). Really need a win from Demas next against a tough Murphy at 157.
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Demas..... ugh

Had that leg for about 40 seconds but couldn't get the Michigan kid down. THAT hurts.

That was tough to watch and really hurts us...looks like we are going to have to start winning matches in consolations earlier than anticipated. Without the bonus, I would not feel very good at all. Really need Courts to win another match to offset that loss. And of course for Snyder to not get upset.
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