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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Are any of the Buckeyes officially out of contention for making the national tournament?

No as RB07OSU said all still alive for a shot at the NCAA's. Tav looked bad against Smith from RU and was dominated. I question if he can get one of those 9 allocated spots because he looked dinged up. JDJ shut down the offense against Clark - a carbon copy of the Lehigh match. I agree with what has been said about Demas, Martin and Courts. Demas has now lost 6 of the last 8 and never had a shot against Green. Courts was dominated vs Pfarr and Martin actually kept it close vs Evans though Evans was never in danger of losing.

Delgado isn't the same guy that has won two NCAA titles but his style is a tough matchup. That should be a match decided by a few points. I like our chances at 165 & 197. I think Hunter could default the remaining matches. In the end I don't think it matters. He has some serious injuries and two weeks to recover is not gonna matter.
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Great semi and consolation round. Leading Iowa 102.5 - 100. 125, 141 165 & 197 in the finals. Two head to head match ups tomorrow with Iowa.

1. Ohio State 102.5
2. Iowa 101.0
3. Minnesota 86.5
4. Michigan 80.5
5. Illinois 79.0
6. Penn State 78.5
7. Nebraska 70.5
8. Wisconsin 64.5
9. Northwestern 56.5
10. Purdue 33.5
11. Rutgers 18.5
12. Michigan State 12.5
13. Indiana 11.5
14. Maryland 9.5
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Great showing for the rest of the day. And by great, I mean GREAT...we are in the lead now. Tomasello knocked off Delgado 3-2 in a match and Nathan gets his signature win, cannot state how big that is. This confirms he can beat anyone in the country as we believed. Johnny D battled back to win a couple matches and can still get 3rd. Logan won easily to a guy that stalled the whole match. Hunter took an injury default but I would do the same, he has his bid and little would affect seeding now...just try to preserve his health and hope for a run. Demas got some nice wins and has a good shot to win another to go for 4th. Bo beat on Harger bad 8-1...his leg defense shows why guys don't get offensive against him, he is as explosive with defense as he is with his offense...cannot wait for Bo vs. Isaac. Martin got two nice wins and I really think he showed some heart in coming back, could still get 3rd but I doubt he beats Storley...still, a 5th/6th finish is not bad for him. Courts lost a tough match to Brooks but he really did give a ton of effort and just came up short...highest he could do is 7th but he gave his best. Snyder won a big time rematch with Burak and the match was never in doubt. Really big day and hopefully we follow up tomorrow with a B1G title.
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Tav just got beat 7-2 to take 10th place and will not make finals. He is seriously hurt and I feel for him in even gutting out the rest of the season. Really wonder how we did not put out Haines this season instead with the injury. Really feel for Tav though.
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Delaware & RB07 - thanks for the analysis and the updates. Don't hit the 'like' button because of the downer type of info, not because of the messenger...keep it coming. On the road, so don't have access to B10 channel. Go Bucks.
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I just saw that. Interestingly it was 3-3 after the first period.

Also didn't have anything on his elbow as far as a brace per a tweet from Ryan Ginn of BSB.

No elbow braces, very weird. And he just got caught with his hips under him after he took too long trying to finish a double. Johnny D came ba to beat Gulibon...was on bottom and took him straight to his back late to win 7-3 (great win, Gulibon is tough), so he is going for 3rd now. Demas had a VERY nice 5-2 win over a tough Doug Welch to advance into the 3rd/4th place match. Martin should have beat Storley...up 1-0 and had about 1:10 in riding time and instead of just cutting him with about 20 seconds left, he tries to scramble and got reversed and put on his back to lose 4-1. Really disappointing because that could have been a signature win and really, Martin has wrestled a good tournament...but he will go for 5th and Courts will go for 7th. We are currently down 1.5 points to Iowa, so we need to likely win a few more matches to pull it off...it will be a super close finish.
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