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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Couple interesting developments...McIntosh, who Snyder beat soundly, just beat Schiller...who beat Cox...who lost to Gadson. The 197 class nationally is anyone's game as I said earlier and I like Snyder's chance in that scenario with his higher ceiling to grow by nationals. It will be a gauntlet but he can win this thing. Another...Isaac Jordan is on a rampage and may be the top guy to beat at 165 right now imo. He just massacred Taylor Massa 10-1 (Bo narrowly beat him twice) and after watching it, not even close. They are cousins and this could be a historic collision course developing heading into the B1G tournament. I could easily see Isaac as the #1 seed and Bo as the #2 and meeting in finals, both undefeated.
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OSU is wrestling so many backups right now. It's hard to tell if Tom Ryan is trying to reward program guys or rest the starters or if the injuries are severe enough to need to do this. It will be interesting to see the impact on seeding in the tournaments.
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OSU is wrestling so many backups right now. It's hard to tell if Tom Ryan is trying to reward program guys or rest the starters or if the injuries are severe enough to need to do this. It will be interesting to see the impact on seeding in the tournaments.

Mostly to rest guys that have lingering injuries and the fact that we had a few weak opponents and would beat them either way. It is becoming a fine line though because we need Hunter to be match-ready and if he sits out too long, that could be an issue. From a seeding perspective, he will be a tad lower but at NCAA's, previous NCAA results are one of the highest if not the highest criteria for seeding. So really not wrestling many matches would be a bigger problem for the freshman in terms of seeding but none of our guys will face that issue...Bo will have plenty of big matches by the end of the B1G tourney.

But I think on Friday against Minnesota, we should have all guys who are relatively healthy going...that is a big dual and at home. If Hunter and Tavanello are sitting out then, I will be worried. We only have that dual and National Duals left before the B1G tourney. But from what I have been told, none of the injuries are severe enough to prevent a full lineup by the B1G tournament and most likely National Duals.
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Final team score No 4 OSU 22 > No 3 Minnesota 13
125: No 7 Nathan Tomasello (OSU) 19-5 maj dec > Ethan Lizak (Minn)
133: No 10 Johnni DiJulius (OSU) 4-1 dec > Sam Brancle (Minn)
141: No 1 Logan Stieber (OSU) 10-9 dec > No 4 Nick Dardanes (Minn)
149: Randy Languis (OSU) loses 3-1 < Jake Short (Minn); No 6 Hunter Stieber (OSU-out)
157: No 12 Josh Demas (OSU) 5-2 loss < No 1 Dylan Ness (Minn)
165: No 5 Bo Jordan (OSU) pins No 17 Nick Wanzek (Minn)
174: No 13 Mark Martin (OSU) loses 3-0 < No 4 Logan Storley (Minn)
184: No 12 Kenny Courts (OSU) 3-1 dec > No 11 Brett Pfarr (Minn)
197: No 3 Kyle Snyder (OSU) 3-1 dec > No 5 Scott Schiller (Minn)
Hwt: Ray Gordon (OSU) loses 18-7 < No 12 Michael Kroells (Minn); No 9 Nick Tavenello (OSU-out)
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Huge win for us tonight, especially with Hunter and Tav out...I realize having Dardanes out at 133 for Minny is a big blow for them, but our two guys outweighs that and we still won big. Plus even with the close decision on Johnny D, he actually matches up well with Dardanes and could have ended up with the same result at 133. My dad made the trip out tonight to Columbus to watch (big props to my pops) and said the crowd was electric, particularly when Bo got the pin.

But really some HUGE advances for us. Lizak is actually a good wrestler and Toms stomped him (1 point from a tech). Johnny D should have won bigger but oh well. Logie Bear is just not himself right now but hopefully everything gets straight (heard he is battling an injury but the staff is extremely tight-lipped on what exactly it is)...get healthy. Still no Hunter at 149 and it sounds like he might seriously be done for the year...that would cost us the title if true. Demas wrestled extremely well and damn near beat the #1, good match. Bo getting the pin was enormous, especially over a very tough wrestler...not only did he pin him, but he dominated the match before doing so. Martin actually was extremely close with a very good Storley and really it was a 1 point match with desperation at the end. Courts came up with his first signature win and the win at that point was critical, great job Kenny! And the win for Snyder was as clutch as they come...not only did it seal the win, but he needed another win over a guy like Schiller in February. Wins like this pave the way to a title run. At heavy I am worried...no word on Tav and it seems like he may be done for the year. Sincerely hope that is not the case, we need some wins from him at the NCAA's. But really good performance overall, this team is going to be so fun to watch moving forward.
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We face #12 Edinboro on Sunday at 1 pm EST...it will be live on FloPro if you subscribe. We should handily win the dual but there will be some BIG matchups. The marquee matchup of course is #1 L. Stieber vs. #2 Port. Ordinarily I think Logie Bear handles him but something is up with him recently...he just has not looked the same. Then you have #5 Johnny D against #2 Schopp at 133...could be a statement match for Johnny. There is a a potentially huge matchup if Hunter wrestles against the #3 Habat. One final match of note would be #12 Courts vs. #17 Avery. In any event, should be fun to watch.
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Excuse my college wrestling ignorance but why do they have the Nationals before the Big Ten and NCAA tournament. It would seem with such pretty good competition there might be room for some guys to get injured and just one injury with certainly damage any team that is going to contend for a conference or national championship.
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Just now looked at the national team rankings, and holy shit, I didn't know the B1G was so dominant. Four of the top five teams in the country (#1 Iowa, #3 Ohio State, #4 Minnesota, and #5 Ped State) are from the B1G.
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Excuse my college wrestling ignorance but why do they have the Nationals before the Big Ten and NCAA tournament. It would seem with such pretty good competition there might be room for some guys to get injured and just one injury with certainly damage any team that is going to contend for a conference or national championship.

The National Duals really don't mean much in terms of the NCAA title. They are run by the NWCA and serve as that organization's national championship. As noted they do add more matches to an already beat up team. I think OSU will treat these matches the same as they have the prior matches - subs where needed and hope they over perform.
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Just now looked at the national team rankings, and holy [Mark May], I didn't know the B1G was so dominant. Four of the top five teams in the country (#1 Iowa, #3 Ohio State, #4 Minnesota, and #5 Ped State) are from the B1G.

The B1G finals matches are often the preview of the NCAA finals matches. Usually at least half of the top 10 will be B1G teams.
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We absolutely CRUSHED #12 Edinboro today 30-7. The premier match was Stieber dominating #2 Port 6-3...apparently it was not even close. But unfortunately there was no Schopp at 133 and the really unfortunate news was that neither Hunter Stieber or Tav wrestled. Really starting to think they are both done for the season. And to be clear, there is no way we win NCAA's without those guys. Tav would not likely be an AA but he would win some matches, but Hunter is a likely finalist for us and without him, we are not winning it all. Even if we did the unthinkable and all of Logan plus Tomasello, Bo, and Snyder won, I just do not see enough points without Hunter and Tav. Even if neither AA, they would win matches and get us some points. Without them, Gordon may not even qualify and at most Languis might win a match or two. I really hope I am wrong and I am going to do some digging as always, but I assume both are out for the year at this point.
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We absolutely CRUSHED #12 Edinboro today 30-7. The premier match was Stieber dominating #2 Port 6-3...apparently it was not even close. But unfortunately there was no Schopp at 133 and the really unfortunate news was that neither Hunter Stieber or Tav wrestled. Really starting to think they are both done for the season. And to be clear, there is no way we win NCAA's without those guys. Tav would not likely be an AA but he would win some matches, but Hunter is a likely finalist for us and without him, we are not winning it all. Even if we did the unthinkable and all of Logan plus Tomasello, Bo, and Snyder won, I just do not see enough points without Hunter and Tav. Even if neither AA, they would win matches and get us some points. Without them, Gordon may not even qualify and at most Languis might win a match or two. I really hope I am wrong and I am going to do some digging as always, but I assume both are out for the year at this point.

I think Hunter's injury is far worse than anyone wants to leak out. I watched Alton from PSU wrestle today against OK State. He's been in a similar situation as Hunter, out most of the year with a significant structural injury and has wrestled maybe 10 matches including a win over Demas - Hunter only has 3 (1-2). Alton ran out of gas in the 2nd and got teched against a guy he pinned before. Even if Hunter comes back for the B1G tourney he'll not be in match shape or anything close to it. And the B1G is decent at 149 with an estimated 5 bids available. Hunter also does not have enough matches to qualify for an at large wild card bid to the NCAA. He'll need to be top 5 at B1G. I agree that without that combo at 100% there is no way they have enough points to win in St Louis. We are back to hoping that JDJ, Courts, Martin and Demas over achieve at nationals and I cannot see that happening given the season thus far.

Logan is gonna make history with #4. I think Tomasello has a great shot at a top 5 finish. Until he proves he can beat Gilman and someone in the class of Garrett I think that's his ceiling. Snyder has a great shot at being in that last match against a Cox or someone else. Dieringer is a level above everyone else at 165 but I think Bo could be a top 3 guy.
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I think Hunter's injury is far worse than anyone wants to leak out. I watched Alton from PSU wrestle today against OK State. He's been in a similar situation as Hunter, out most of the year with a significant structural injury and has wrestled maybe 10 matches including a win over Demas - Hunter only has 3 (1-2). Alton ran out of gas in the 2nd and got teched against a guy he pinned before. Even if Hunter comes back for the B1G tourney he'll not be in match shape or anything close to it. And the B1G is decent at 149 with an estimated 5 bids available. Hunter also does not have enough matches to qualify for an at large wild card bid to the NCAA. He'll need to be top 5 at B1G. I agree that without that combo at 100% there is no way they have enough points to win in St Louis. We are back to hoping that JDJ, Courts, Martin and Demas over achieve at nationals and I cannot see that happening given the season thus far.

Logan is gonna make history with #4. I think Tomasello has a great shot at a top 5 finish. Until he proves he can beat Gilman and someone in the class of Garrett I think that's his ceiling. Snyder has a great shot at being in that last match against a Cox or someone else. Dieringer is a level above everyone else at 165 but I think Bo could be a top 3 guy.

And apparently I was wrong on both (happily that is). I did confirm that Hunter will be back (Languis does not expect to be out at 149 by the time B1G's come around) and Tav will be back next week. Not sure where they will be with conditioning but it is going to be a tough road for both of them to be anywhere near peak shape by the NCAA's.

But I think Bo can give Dieringer all he can handle...I think Dieringer is the clear favorite and for good reason, but I think Bo has the best shot to unseat him. I am not really that impressed by Sulzer and Moreno...I like Bo against both of them. Toughest matchup may be Isaac aside from Ringer. And I think Tomasello no doubt has the talent to win it...he just has to wrestle smart and consistent. Can't wait to see a likely rematch with Waters from Mizzou at national duals, as I feel Nathan has been wrestling better as of late. And Snyder no doubt can do it but I could as easily see him going for 5th as stacked as that weight class is.
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