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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

OSU just lost to Lehigh 21-18 in the quarterfinals of the National Duals.

JDJ - loses to an unranked guy
Demas - loses to an unranked guy
Martin - loses to an unranked guy
Courts gets decked by a higher ranked guy
Tav - loses to an unranked guy

Ohio State Wrestling
#11 Lehigh 21, #3 Ohio State 18
2015 NWCA National Duals | Iowa City, Iowa
Records: Ohio State 13-4 | Lehigh 12-3

125 - Nathan Tomasello (Ohio State) over Scott Parker (Lehigh) Dec 10-3 | OSU 3, Lehigh 0
133 - Mason Beckman (Lehigh) over Johnni DiJulius (Ohio State) Dec 1-0 | OSU 3, Lehigh 3
141 - Logan Stieber (Ohio State) over Randy Cruz (Lehigh) Fall 4:52 | OSU 9, Lehigh 3
149 - Drew Longo (Lehigh) over Randall Languis (Ohio State) TB-1 2-1 | OSU 9, Lehigh 6
157 - Mitchell Minotti (Lehigh) over Josh Demas (Ohio State) Dec 3-1 | OSU 9, Lehigh 9
165 - Bo Jordan (Ohio State) over Marshall Peppelman (Lehigh) TF 22-6 | OSU 14, Lehigh 9
174 - Santiago Martinez (Lehigh) over Mark Martin (Ohio State) Dec 4-2 | OSU 14, Lehigh 12
184 - Nathaniel Brown (Lehigh) over Kenny Courts (Ohio State) Fall 3:30 | Lehigh 18, OSU 14
197 - Kyle Snyder (Ohio State) over Elliot Riddick (Lehigh) Maj 9-1 | OSU 18, Lehigh 18
285 - Douglas Vollaro (Lehigh) over Nick Tavanello (Ohio State) SV-2 4-2 | Lehigh 21, OSU 18
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Embarrassing performance. I have zero faith in Courts, Martin, or Tav to score us any points at the NCAA's and about zero in Demas as well. JDJ is all over the board, so who knows there. Looking pretty bleak to sniff a title. Hate to be doom and gloom but without a complete 180 from Martin and Courts, plus a stroke of luck with the health/conditioning of Hunter and Tav, I just don't see it happening.
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Unfortunately JDJ peaked with his win over Clark from Iowa in Jan. His ranking has been dropping since that match. He has one move and as soon as it is shutdown he has nothing else. He stalled for almost 7:00 without trying anything offensive. And the current rankings for Demas, Martin, Courts and Tav are way too generous. There was no fire or sense of urgency today. I think they are looking at a team finish around 4-5. Not bad but nowhere near what Coach Ryan was aiming for last spring when he said they would be favored to win it this year.
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Unfortunately JDJ peaked with his win over Clark from Iowa in Jan. His ranking has been dropping since that match. He has one move and as soon as it is shutdown he has nothing else. He stalled for almost 7:00 without trying anything offensive. And the current rankings for Demas, Martin, Courts and Tav are way too generous. There was no fire or sense of urgency today. I think they are looking at a team finish around 4-5. Not bad but nowhere near what Coach Ryan was aiming for last spring when he said they would be favored to win it this year.

JDJ relies way too much on scramble situations but is likely a top 10 guy...definitely needs to open up more though. But agreed on Demas, Martin, Courts, and Tav...I don't think any are really even worthy of being ranked in the top 20 right now. If each won two matches at NCAA's, I would be shocked. I would not be so upset if not for the parts I bolded...I don't see a modicum of heart from the guys mentioned (minus Tav in a way, he is recovering but has been that way all year) and it infuriates me to see such lazy wrestling. Just saying it now, there is a widely known reputation in the room that Courts and Martin are always getting worked and being lazy, Demas often is in that category as well. If you don't attack when you are tired at practice, you won't get results in a match. As to the second part, I am with you...this was supposed to be our year to make a serious run to win it all and that is why it is so disappointing that it will not likely happen. There will have to be a Tom Ryan miracle to get some momentum at B1G's and carry it into a run at NCAA's. He has always got guys to peak at the right time in the past but I just don't see certain guys responding to enable that to happen. If this was an isolated incident, I would not be worried...but it is not, it is the entire season for the most part. Really hope I am wrong.
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I watched the National Duals final today between Iowa and Missouri. Missouri has gotten a lot better since the match with OSU on 12/14. They have an aggressive style of wrestling that is fun to watch. They will score a lot of team points at nationals. It would not surprise me to see them with 4 finalists - 125, 141, 149 & 197. Lavion Mayes looked really tough at 141 and looks to be the second best at that weight. I don't see a sure fire individual champ for Iowa but I think they will score points and grind away in the consolation rounds. Telford is their best shot at an individual title but he is beatable.
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ok, so if I remember last year.....all tOSU wrestlers except for Tav would go to Nationals? Yes? Go Bucks

This is B1G seeding only. It's where they will be placed in the B1G bracket this weekend. NCAA bids are calculated as such:

Here are the B1G allocations for slots at the NCAA

125: 5
133: 12
141: 8
149: 7
157: 8
165: 8
174: 10
184: 10
197: 9
285: 9

This doesn't count at large bids to the NCAA but there are very specific criteria used to determine at large eligibility. For example Hunter needs to finish in the top 7 because he has not wrestled enough matches to be eligible for at large bid. Not sure on Tav. He missed two months. It would depend on how many matches he has wrestled were he not to finish in the top 9 at B1G.
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Thanks Delaware, helps us understand. So the wrestlers better finish high in B10's to get to nationals. Seem to recollect that this was supposed to be tOSUs year to win it all. Hope it happens. Go Bucks
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Thanks Delaware, helps us understand. So the wrestlers better finish high in B10's to get to nationals. Seem to recollect that this was supposed to be tOSUs year to win it all. Hope it happens. Go Bucks

The B1G is getting a lot of bids so that is in our favor. That said the guys need to come out this weekend and wrestle hard and with the urgency that has been lacking in a few of the matches. If everyone does that we have a good shot at sending the whole team the St. Loius.
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Are any of the Buckeyes officially out of contention for making the national tournament?

Not yet, all wrestlers are still alive. Based on the massive B1G allocations above, it seems pretty likely that everyone should make it. I think if everyone wins one more match, they are assured a spot because nobody would place lower than 8 (though we only have 5 allocations at 125, Tomasello is in the semi's and he would have to lose out to take 6th which is unlikely...Stieber cannot take lower than 6 now and we have 7 spots there).

But I watched the matches on B1G Plus and we wrestled very well in the 1st round (minus Tav, who I see as 2 and out in the NCAA's with the way he has looked this season). Hunter gutted out a huge win over Beitz of PSU in the last 5 seconds to get a reversal to win it...good to see conditioning is not at issue, he really willed a win there. DiJulius lost to Clark in quarters, which was a big disappointment...so much for him turning it on at the right time. No surprise but all three of Demas, Courts, and Martin lost. Martin actually hung tough with Evans from Iowa though and Demas just was not going to beat Green of Nebraska, though an 8-2 loss is never good. But Courts had a very winnable match against Pfarr of Minny and got creamed 7-2...I know it is winnable because he beat him last time. These 4 guys really need to fight back in the semi's to get some type of momentum back because they have had a really bad past few weeks for the most part.

We have some really big matches tomorrow though in semi's. Tomasello faces defending NCAA champ Delgado of Illinois, Hunter faces defending NCAA champ Tsirstis of Northwestern, Bo faces an All-American in Harger of Northwestern, and Snyder gets a rematch with Burak (whom he lost to last time). To make a run we really need to take 3 out of 4 there, with Logan advancing into finals of course (bonus would be nice), and our guys in consolations to win a couple matches a piece.
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