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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Great effort by the Bucks. A win here or there and they are not sharing that title. Iowa could probably say the same though. Bo probably ends up with the 3 seed at NCAA's and will face Isaac again with Dieringer in the other bracket which is good. Snyder may now slide to 4th seed which would place him in Cox's bracket. I think this win could vault Nate to the 4 seed behind Waters, Garrett and Dance - depending how those others did in their conf finals.
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Head scratching... Hunter Stieber decided to wrestle... with one arm ready to fall off... and gets pinned

That was really odd. He had the NCAA bid locked up. I respect Tom Ryan all that he has done for the program but once you send Hunter out there you lose all ability to complain if the opponent chooses to go after the injury. This is big time college wrestling & anything that falls within the rules (it was a clean tie up) is fair game.
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Awesome! Really happy to be co-champs, a very well earned title. Martin came up big with a 5th place win, Tomasello is on fire with wins over Delgado/Gilman, and Logan just embarrassed a very good wrestler. Really bummed Bo did not win though...for some reason he kept coming up around the hip immediately off the single leg instead of being patient and tabling up the leg. I think he will get him next time, it just was not smart wrestling. And Snyder, I have no idea what he was doing out there...I don't even recall him taking an honest shot or attacking...most lethargic performance I have seen from him all year. But overall, I really liked how we wrestled and we have serious momentum heading into St. Louis. We may well be in the hunt for our first national title.
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Awesome! Really happy to be co-champs, a very well earned title. Martin came up big with a 5th place win, Tomasello is on fire with wins over Delgado/Gilman, and Logan just embarrassed a very good wrestler. Really bummed Bo did not win though...for some reason he kept coming up around the hip immediately off the single leg instead of being patient and tabling up the leg. I think he will get him next time, it just was not smart wrestling. And Snyder, I have no idea what he was doing out there...I don't even recall him taking an honest shot or attacking...most lethargic performance I have seen from him all year. But overall, I really liked how we wrestled and we have serious momentum heading into St. Louis. We may well be in the hunt for our first national title.

I think you are correct, Snyder didn't take a shot. Looks a lot like the early loss to Gadson. He'll bounce back but his road to the finals will be tougher now. Bo wrestled "different" than he had all year. Getting ridden out was kinda surprising too. I think 2nd match favors him.
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I think you are correct, Snyder didn't take a shot. Looks a lot like the early loss the Gadson. He'll bounce back but his road to the finals will be tougher now. Bo wrestled "different" than he had all year. Getting ridden out was kinda surprising too. I think 2nd match favors him.

He attacked, he just went to really low percentage finishes too early. Just was not smart but there is so much familiarity wrestling against Isaac, so that may have been purposeful. The takedown Bo gave up he was really caught in bad position off a shot...not like him.
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NCAA seeds came out today...
(4) Nathan Tomasello (OHST) 28-4 - in (1) Alan Waters (MIZZ) 30-0 bracket
(4) Johnni DiJulius (OHST) 28-6 - in (1) Christopher Dardanes (MINN) 23-0 bracket
(1) Logan Stieber (OHST) 24-0
(NS)Hunter Stieber (OHST) 3-4 0 unseeded & will open with (14) Cody Ruggirello (HOFS) 24-6 then face Josh Kindig (OKST)
(6) Josh Demas (OHST) 16-7 - same bracket as (2) Realbuto (Cornell) and (4) Green (Neb) & faces Mike Kelly (IOWA) 23-10 in round 1
(5) Bo Jordan (OHST) 17-1 - same bracket as (1) Alex Dieringer (OKST) 29-0 round semi's & (4) Nicholas Sulzer (UVA) 26-2 quarterfinals
(10) Mark Martin (OHST) 18-10 would face (2) Matthew Brown (PSU) 24-3 in round 2
(NS) Kenny Courts (OHST) 22-9 unseeded would face (11) Brett Pfarr (MINN) 22-10 in round 2 and then (3) Blake Stauffer (ASU) 31-1 in round 3 and (2) Max Thomusseit (PITT) 24-1 in the semi's
(4) Kyle Snyder (OHST) 26-3 - in (1) J`Den Cox (MIZZ) 33-0 bracket
(NS) Nick Tavanello (OHST)** 13-11 unseeded - in (2) Michael McMullan (NW) 26-2 bracket

** Wildcard bid
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Not awful draws for the most part but I think Bo kind of got screwed with the 5 seed...I like his matchup with Sulzer fine in the quarters but I really do not like his odds against Dieringer in the semi's.
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So my Graham Falcons easily collected their 15th straight state title this weekend with 5 total champions. Kyle Lawson got his 2nd and he is a likely 4x (only a sophomore)...really hope we are pursuing him hard. Marinelli also got his 3rd as a junior by tech fall in the finals. Unfortunately, Rocky Jordan lost yet again to Cameron Kelly of Bellbrook 3-0...kid just has his number but he is a senior and I expect Rocky to be a 3x champ. Mitch Moore dominated at 113 and is on his way to becoming a 4x champ. As a side note, Dayton Christian won at D3 and they have a ton of talented young guys we might be looking at soon.

Of OSU related news, Jose Rodriguez got a huge 6-5 win over Austin Assad (a scUM commit) and Kollin Moore (OSU commit at 182) teched and pinned his way to a title. There is also a kid named Kevin Vough who is only a sophomore for Elyria at heavyweight who pinned his guy in the finals and also pinned his guy at Ironman to win it...I really, really want us to get him. One of the more talented heavies I have seen at the high school level. About to watch Myles Martin wrestle at Dapper Dan.
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just getting back from road trip......are the nationals going to be televised? B10 network, ABC? Thanks. Maybe the lower seeds will irk the Buckeyes to outperform? Think tOSU is doing well to have so many wrestlers in the Nat's. How many did Iowa have? (probably too lazy to go to Iowa board)......Go Bucks!
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just getting back from road trip......are the nationals going to be televised? B10 network, ABC? Thanks. Maybe the lower seeds will irk the Buckeyes to outperform? Think tOSU is doing well to have so many wrestlers in the Nat's. How many did Iowa have? (probably too lazy to go to Iowa board)......Go Bucks!

ESPN will for the first time cover every match

Iowa qualified 10 as did Missouri. I think Missouri is the favorite this year. Match-ups and seeds will determine who is leading after Saturday night.
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