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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)


Teams with wrestlers in tomorrow's quarterfinals. It's really gonna come down to how well the 5 that got bounced to the consolation wrestle. JDJ looked really bad in that last match. Hunter just had to MF. Martin over Mappes in the consolation.

1. Ohio St. 23.0
2. Iowa 21.0
3. Oklahoma St. 19.5
4. Penn St. 18.5
5. Missouri 18.0
5. Nebraska 18.0
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Coach Ryan stopped Hunter's match...he was getting worked by a nobody and clearly had absolutely nothing left with his injury. Really, really feel for him but appreciate his effort. Could very realistically have 3 guys go 2 and out...but hopefully Martin can win...not holding my breath of Tav.
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Coach Ryan stopped Hunter's match...he was getting worked by a nobody and clearly had absolutely nothing left with his injury. Really, really feel for him but appreciate his effort. Could very realistically have 3 guys go 2 and out...but hopefully Martin can win...not holding my breath of Tav.

The kid gave it everything he had. That injury is serious and will probably require surgery and a lot of rest.
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No doubt, I am worried he won't even be able to come back next season to be honest. But Martin just won 6-3 and stays alive. I just saw Tavanello is wrestling Brooks Black next, so I might just watch basketball now.

That UCL tear is tough to recover from in wrestling. Even if he had the procedure tomorrow he's looking at 8-12 months of recovery so you may be right.
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