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Ohio State Now "Other Ohio Team"

I don't have anything against UC, they are an in-state school after all. But isn't their coach being wooed by a number of big time programs (including ND)? And didn't their last coach jump ship for a larger program? I know BK chose to stay put for the time being, but does anyone actually believe he won't move to a higher profile job in the next year or two? And when he does, they are likely to backslide some. UC is a long way from establishing themselves as a big-time college football program.
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BuckeyeBill;1344517; said:
I don't have anything against UC, they are an in-state school after all. But isn't their coach being wooed by a number of big time programs (including ND)? And didn't their last coach jump ship for a larger program? I know BK chose to stay put for the time being, but does anyone actually believe he won't move to a higher profile job in the next year or two? And when he does, they are likely to backslide some. UC is a long way from establishing themselves as a big-time college football program.

This Big East is a long way away from establishing themselves as a HIGH profile conference...
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BuckeyeBill;1344517; said:
I don't have anything against UC, they are an in-state school after all. But isn't their coach being wooed by a number of big time programs (including ND)? And didn't their last coach jump ship for a larger program? I know BK chose to stay put for the time being, but does anyone actually believe he won't move to a higher profile job in the next year or two? And when he does, they are likely to backslide some. UC is a long way from establishing themselves as a big-time college football program.

Well, if you believe the 'insiders', Michigan, Tennessee and Washington have come calling and he's turned them all down before serious consideration could be given. I believe, given the ego of Kelly, he has decided that his legacy will not be taking over an established program and continuing the success but, rather, taking a program like UC and building it as his own. OR, being an east coast Catholic from the Boston area, he could easily bolt for ND if and when the Cheeseburger gets whacked.
who knows..The hope is that Kelly will be the guy who stays to build the program. Is UC a long way from establishing themselves as 'big-time' program? maybe...depends on if Kelly stays or not. I do believe they are on the right path (BCS conference, financial commitment from bosters, improved facilities, etc..) and are commited to getting to that level. Honestly, I'd take UC's football program, as it stands now over Big 10 members Minnesota, Northwestern, Indiana and Purdue.
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Honor&Glory;1344634; said:
Well, if you believe the 'insiders', Michigan, Tennessee and Washington have come calling and he's turned them all down before serious consideration could be given. I believe, given the ego of Kelly, he has decided that his legacy will not be taking over an established program and continuing the success but, rather, taking a program like UC and building it as his own. OR, being an east coast Catholic from the Boston area, he could easily bolt for ND if and when the Cheeseburger gets whacked.
who knows..The hope is that Kelly will be the guy who stays to build the program. Is UC a long way from establishing themselves as 'big-time' program? maybe...depends on if Kelly stays or not. I do believe they are on the right path (BCS conference, financial commitment from bosters, improved facilities, etc..) and are commited to getting to that level. Honestly, I'd take UC's football program, as it stands now over Big 10 members Minnesota, Northwestern, Indiana and Purdue.

BK likes to spin that he was approached by Michigan, but the reality is that they wouldn't touch him because of the racial comments he made at CMU--not to mention recruiting players in the habit of committing homicide.

As for the 100MM stadium expansiont that UC announced. I, as someone a little bit familiar with the financial condition of the various Ohio public universities, wants to know where the fuck the money's coming from. UC has huge budget problems right now, to the degree that they've dipped into their endowment's principal to meet operating expenses. UC went on a huge building spree that they' couldn't afford and are having a very difficult time paying for today.

I highly doubt the state, given the current economic crisis, is going to contribute to a massive stadium renovation when they'll have a hard time simply maintaining higher education funding at current levels.

Given UC's current cash crunch and the freeze up of the world's credit markets, I can't believe that they'll be able to borrow the money.

UC has never shown itself to have the kind of donor base to do this privately, particularly during an economic downturn.

I think that stadium announcement was nothing more than a little early Christmas present for the fans made in the heat of BCS bowl excitement and the need to placate Kelly and his massive ego but that nothing will ultimately come of it for the funding reasons outlined above. Then, BK will use that as his reason to get out of town when the ND job does open up next year.
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ORD_Buckeye;1344713; said:
BK likes to spin that he was approached by Michigan, but the reality is that they wouldn't touch him because of the racial comments he made at CMU--not to mention recruiting players in the habit of committing homicide.

As for the 100MM stadium expansiont that UC announced. I, as someone a little bit familiar with the financial condition of the various Ohio public universities, wants to know where the [censored] the money's coming from. UC has huge budget problems right now, to the degree that they've dipped into their endowment's principal to meet operating expenses. UC went on a huge building spree that they' couldn't afford and are having a very difficult time paying for today.

I highly doubt the state, given the current economic crisis, is going to contribute to a massive stadium renovation when they'll have a hard time simply maintaining higher education funding at current levels.

Given UC's current cash crunch and the freeze up of the world's credit markets, I can't believe that they'll be able to borrow the money.

UC has never shown itself to have the kind of donor base to do this privately, particularly during an economic downturn.

I think that stadium announcement was nothing more than a little early Christmas present for the fans made in the heat of BCS bowl excitement and the need to placate Kelly and his massive ego but that nothing will ultimately come of it for the funding reasons outlined above. Then, BK will use that as his reason to get out of town when the ND job does open up next year.

UC did not announce a dollar figure for the stadium expansion nor did they say how many seats would be added. The firm put in charge of the design plan first charge was to make the current stadium infrastructure better. THe practice bubble is only a million and the money was already raised. The UCats and alumni association raised over 150 million last year in donations and Jeff Wyler has a way of getting money raised when its needed. UC also received a private gift of several million dollars last year and there will be the additional 2million for being the BE's BCS rep this year. raising money for athletics at UC, thanks mostly to the basketball program, has never really been an issue. UC may not be OSU but is still the second largest school in the state with an enrollment over 35,000 and has a rather sizeable alumni base right here in the city. I think you grossy underestimate how much money UC can and has raised on an annual basis.

Look, I realize you hope UC fails on all levels. Your openning BK comment makes your dislike for this city and its major university obvious. But to constantly knock UC from everything from funding, to yokels on a UC message board is really ugly. So one kid called out OSU...big [censored]ing deal. UC is not on OSU's level and the more you bitch about what the school, the players and the fans do and say makes you sound like...well, like you might be getting a little bit nervous about what's going on in Clifton.
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Honor&Glory;1344793; said:
UC did not announce a dollar figure for the stadium expansion nor did they say how many seats would be added. The firm put in charge of the design plan first charge was to make the current stadium infrastructure better. THe practice bubble is only a million and the money was already raised. The UCats and alumni association raised over 150 million last year in donations and Jeff Wyler has a way of getting money raised when its needed. UC also received a private gift of several million dollars last year and there will be the additional 2million for being the BE's BCS rep this year. raising money for athletics at UC, thanks mostly to the basketball program, has never really been an issue. UC may not be OSU but is still the second largest school in the state with an enrollment over 35,000 and has a rather sizeable alumni base right here in the city. I think you grossy underestimate how much money UC can and has raised on an annual basis.

Look, I realize you hope UC fails on all levels. Your openning BK comment makes your dislike for this city and its major university obvious. But to constantly knock UC from everything from funding, to yokels on a UC message board is really ugly. So one kid called out OSU...big [censored]ing deal. UC is not on OSU's level and the more you bitch about what the school, the players and the fans do and say makes you sound like...well, like you might be getting a little bit nervous about what's going on in Clifton.

How does my simply reiterating what anyone on a Michigan message board will tell you about BK's time at CMU say anything about my like or dislike for the city or its university? BK was not a candidate for the Michigan job. Sorry.

Second, do you think that UC or any other university in America that is facing such a budget crunch during a severe economic downturn should even be thinking about a huge stadium expansion project? This has nothing to do with my "fear of what might be happening in Clifton." It, however, does have something to do with my puzzlement at a public university that seems to seriously have its priorities out of whack and is rushing into spending scores of millions of dollars that they can't afford on the basis of TWO years of success and to satisfy the ego of a football coach who'll likely leave them when that big job does come along.

I'd take a long hard look at what happened to Rutgers when they went chasing the football big time with money they didn't have after a brief period of success. It's a very sad yet instructive tale.
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Rutgers is good example and has been mentioned by many within the program as an example of how not to grow too fast. The Nippert Stadium expansion will be series of projects over time not one massive expansion as you refer to it as being. Like I have stated, I believe UC is on the right path and there is nothing wrong with that.
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ORD_Buckeye;1344321; said:
I'll say it again.

OU fan hates us because they want to be us.
Fredo of Ohio fan hates us because they think they're too good to be us.
UC fan hates us because they actually think they are us, but nobody is noticing.

I don't know how you arrive at the "theys" protrayed here. In 25 years of teaching and coaching high school kids I always pushed those who asked asked toward Ohio State, arguing that it was an international school while OU, Miami, UC, BG were national schools. I think that logic still applies in so far as where the student body and some of the faculty comes from, but in terms of opportunity to study abroad, most state schools have greatly expanded those programs.

Most of the kids I worked with had the opportunity to go to OSU but chose to do otherwise. In the case of OU it was usually for photography and journalism. In the case of Miami it was a smaller (and at the time, select) school and themed architecture. For UC it was the opportunity to co-op, the architecture and design programs or an economic issue. For the jocks it was usually wherever they got an offer.

I don't remember any of them, regardless of where they ended up, having a particular attitude about Ohio State football. Yeah, there were the bandwagon kids who jumped for whoever was hot; U Miami, FSU, ND. But most were Ohio State fans or tried to get my goat by supporting Michigan.

I don't blame a kid at UC for thinking his team is special and for wanting a shot at the Buckeyes. Isn't that what you want an athlete to think? I watched the film and didn't see much more than a kid sticking up for his team and what they have accomplished this year. Given the history and expectations of the two programs I'd have to give the nod to the Bearcats for this year.
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cincibuck;1344963; said:
I don't know how you arrive at the "theys" protrayed here.

The "theys" are the message boards for the respective schools rather than the majority of kids who end up at each school. As such, I think the quote pretty acurately summarizes the prevailing attitude on each board.
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Buckeye86;1344288; said:
almost doesn't count but Ohio State has had a legitimate shot at the National title in '69, '73,'75, '79, '93, '95, '96, '98, '06, and '07

And '03 (if they had beaten MIchigan) and also in '05 if they have beaten Penn State.

At least, those where years when it wasn't over early on (like say this year)....
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