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Game Thread Ohio State @ Indiana, 08/31/17 @ 8:00 ET (ESPN)

I'm going to make my prediction. Kevin Wilson and Ryan Day are the difference makers. I think they make us look at 2015 and 2016 in disgust (errr, more disgust than we do already) and put together a real offense. Will it be unstoppable? That's yet to be seen, but it will look and feel like a real offense.

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You open your eyes and your heart is pumping as if you’ve been taking turns racing Teddy Ginn and Kerry Coombs all night. There’s no music, but you can feel the thunder of the Best Damn Band in the Land kicking in your chest as if they were standing right next to you about to dot the I.

Electricity flows through your veins. You can taste it. The off-season is on its deathbed. It’s Game Day once again. You’re a Buckeye, all else crumbles and dies in your world today. The thrill of the anxiety is too much to withstand any other matters on the table. They don’t exist to you. You’ll get back to them when the National Championship trophy is heading back to Columbus and that team up north is deciding who to fire after the thrashing the Silver Bullets gave their offense.

Welcome to yet another season featuring the greatest football team to ever grace the gridiron.
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You open your eyes and your heart is pumping as if you’ve been taking turns racing Teddy Ginn and Kerry Coombs all night. There’s no music, but you can feel the thunder of the Best Damn Band in the Land kicking in your chest as if they were standing right next to you about to dot the I.

Electricity flows through your veins. You can taste it. The off-season is on its deathbed. It’s Game Day once again. You’re a Buckeye, all else crumbles and dies in your world today. The thrill of the anxiety is too much to withstand any other matters on the table. They don’t exist to you. You’ll get back to them when the National Championship trophy is heading back to Columbus and that team up north is deciding who to fire after the thrashing the Silver Bullets gave their offense.

Welcome to yet another season featuring the greatest football team to ever grace the gridiron.
GP frikin'A
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You open your eyes and your heart is pumping as if you’ve been taking turns racing Teddy Ginn and Kerry Coombs all night. There’s no music, but you can feel the thunder of the Best Damn Band in the Land kicking in your chest as if they were standing right next to you about to dot the I.

Electricity flows through your veins. You can taste it. The off-season is on its deathbed. It’s Game Day once again. You’re a Buckeye, all else crumbles and dies in your world today. The thrill of the anxiety is too much to withstand any other matters on the table. They don’t exist to you. You’ll get back to them when the National Championship trophy is heading back to Columbus and that team up north is deciding who to fire after the thrashing the Silver Bullets gave their offense.

Welcome to yet another season featuring the greatest football team to ever grace the gridiron.

Our long, national nightmare is finally over. Buckeye football is back. :gagnam:
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