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Game Thread Ohio State @ Indiana, 08/31/17 @ 8:00 ET (ESPN)

Hey guys - this has probably already been addressed (but no way I'm reading through 15 pages.

This the first time the Bucks have played a non-bowl, Thursday game?
Nah we played stupid Marshall a few years ago. Needed Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge to bail us out if memory serves.

edit: Nope.....I'm confusing my stupid Marshall games. We kicked the shit out of them 45-7 in 2010.
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Nah we played stupid Marshall a few years ago. Needed Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge to bail us out if memory serves.

edit: Nope.....I'm confusing my stupid Marshall games. We kicked the [Mark May] out of them 45-7 in 2010.

I was actually at this 2010 game. I went with my mother and brother who are Buckeyes, and it was my step-dad's (Miami fan) first trip to the 'Shoe. He's a convert now. We kicked their ass and the half-time show was awesome. Especially from the upper deck.
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but it wasn't on a Thursday. I seem to recall one of those sunny, sleepy, surreal noon game vibes from that one

Disclaimer: I am often wrong

You recall correctly. Santonio left the game early with cramps from all those long TD receptions he was hauling in in the 1st quarter. Zwick played poorly without Holmes on the field and a Lydell fumble spotted the Herd a TD to make it closer than it should have been.
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but it wasn't on a Thursday. I seem to recall one of those sunny, sleepy, surreal noon game vibes from that one

Disclaimer: I am often wrong

Yeah, you're right. A Saturday game to be sure. Heart stopper, though. It was definitely a rebuilding year, Zwick was QB, and it didn't find its identity until Trow Smith was named starter after Iowa. Final record, 8-4, but that was just the start.
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