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Game Thread Ohio State @ Indiana, 08/31/17 @ 8:00 ET (ESPN)

Fucking hell, is it tomorrow yet!?

I predict pain, and lots of it for the Hoosiers (wtf is Hoosier anyway!?), with JT ready to show he's back to form and more lethal than ever. I'm going for something to the tune of 49-17. Bring the pain, and don't let up!
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Annual reminder of Darkest Day I and II

These people humiliated Urban Meyers mentor. They should be held accountable every year, without fail, no exceptions.

I don't care if it was 30 years ago. Never forget, never forgive.

I was there

Unfortunately one of the most vivid memories I have of my time at Ohio State

This year seems like a perfect storm for vengeance though:

  • Coaching staffs - Meyer/Schiano/Wilson vs crash-test-dummies
  • Line-of-Scrimmage - Brutally one sided
  • Skill Players - Not close
  • Team Speed - please
It's been close lately. Even the 3 td game was closer than the score looked. This one won't be close. The talking heads are pitching this game as competitive. The talking heads are as empty as Indiana's hope of keeping it close.
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I was there

Unfortunately one of the most vivid memories I have of my time at Ohio State

This year seems like a perfect storm for vengeance though:

  • Coaching staffs - Meyer/Schiano/Wilson vs crash-test-dummies
  • Line-of-Scrimmage - Brutally one sided
  • Skill Players - Not close
  • Team Speed - please
It's been close lately. Even the 3 td game was closer than the score looked. This one won't be close. The talking heads are pitching this game as competitive. The talking heads are as empty as Indiana's hope of keeping it close.

I want to see Urban at midfield telling the IU bench they have offended his family and offended the Buckeye temple

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