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Game Thread Ohio State @ Indiana, 08/31/17 @ 8:00 ET (ESPN)

I know there is nothing new to discuss at this point but for some reason I saw this picture at LO10:


and I see Wilson in the foreground with a Bosa behind him and it became very, very clear to me.

OSU is going to ape fuck some people this year
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Annual reminder of Darkest Day I and II

These people humiliated Urban Meyers mentor. They should be held accountable every year, without fail, no exceptions.

I don't care if it was 30 years ago. Never forget, never forgive.

THat was a dark day. I was also there in 1976 against Missouri. Losing to Indiana, Missouri, Northwestern, it just leaves a bad taste because cellar dwellers should know their roll.
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I've had an erection lasting more than 4 hours waiting for this season to start. Not even consulting a Dr. Only 1 cure. Buckeye fucking football. Yes bought my game day Woodford and drank that. Yes got another bottle and yes just finished that and posting drunk as balls. No fucks given. It's BUCKEYE TIME BITCHES. I'll get another bottle tomorrow. Only thing you need to know is O-H
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I've had an erection lasting more than 4 hours waiting for this season to start. Not even consulting a Dr. Only 1 cure. Buckeye fucking football. Yes bought my game day Woodford and drank that. Yes got another bottle and yes just finished that and posting drunk as balls. No fucks given. It's BUCKEYE TIME BITCHES. I'll get another bottle tomorrow. Only thing you need to know is O-H

That's what I'm talking about.

Shit faced a full 24 hours before kick off

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