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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

utgrad73;1324167; said:

Turn this orange jersey (and contents) into a pulverized mass that can't be mistaken for anything other than OJ running down his leg. It's their house, they can clean up the mess.

Go Bucks

Yep, squeeze the Juice and open up a can of whup azz!!


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I'm not going to be there, but if I was, definitely it's beard weather: snow showers, winds of 15-20 miles an hour, temp at kickoff about 32...

I'm hoping the turnover ratio tomorrow is about 4 to ZIP in our favor.

Hold on to the ball! Just win baby!!

prediction: OSU, 37-6, Juice out with cracked ribs in the 2nd quarter...

Boom Herron scores on an 89 yard pass from Todd Boeckman with 6 seconds left in the 4th quarter!!!!

Zook takes a knee --- in front of Coach Tressel!!!!
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UpNorthBuckeye;1325328; said:
I'm not going to be there, but if I was, definitely it's beard weather: snow showers, winds of 15-20 miles an hour, temp at kickoff about 32...

Not snow, not winds, not freezing cold will be able to stop Beanie and the Buckeyes from dealing the Zookers a serious beating as payback for their dance last year. GO BUCKS!

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