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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)


Illini have had Buckeyes' number

11/14/2008, 6:00 p.m. EST
The Associated Press

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) ? What's brewing today with the 2008 Ohio State Buckeyes ...
BUCKEYES BUZZ:@ It seems everybody is talking about where the Buckeyes will play in a bowl game.
Speculation online, on TV and on radio talk shows runs the gamut from the Fiesta Bowl vs. Texas Tech, to the Capital One Bowl vs. Alabama, and almost every place imaginable in between.

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OSU column: Will it take work of art for Buckeyes at Illinois

November 14, 2008 - 5:16PM
Jim Naveau

COLUMBUS - Hitting the big time is one thing. Almost hitting the big time is something else.
Earlier this week, several national news outlets reported that Tony Dow, who played big brother Wally on the 1950s television series "Leave it to Beaver", would have one of his sculptures displayed at the Louvre.
As it turns out, Dow's bronze sculpture of a warrior with no arms will be displayed at a show in an exhibition hall at a Paris shopping center called the Carrousel du Louvre, from which you can see the famed art museum.
Close but no cigar. Close, but not quite the spot right next to a DaVinci.
Ohio State's opponent Saturday, Illinois, knows about getting close to the big time, but not quite getting all the way there.

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Call me a traditionalist, but I hope the weather is poor and I get to witness a heavy dose of Beanie & Bam in an old fashion Big Ten pound it out game. I would love to see Beanie bring back memories of E-d-d-i-e! circa 1995 vs. Illinois.
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matt_thatsme;1325843; said:
Call me a traditionalist, but I hope the weather is poor and I get to witness a heavy dose of Beanie & Bam in an old fashion Big Ten pound it out game. I would love to see Beanie bring back memories of E-d-d-i-e! circa 1995 vs. Illinois.

who is bam? do you mean barn? barn chilsdress?
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Didn't "Bam" have a nice beard?
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Bob Hunter commentary: November is when all teams are threats

Saturday, November 15, 2008 3:02 AM
By Bob Hunter


One thing that makes college football so intriguing is the thin margin for error. Every game has consequences. Every game is a step.
A schedule with 12 games is so lean that every misstep looms large. Football coaches tend to oversell the strengths of their opponents, but in one sense their paranoia is understandable. With each loss, they sense opportunity slipping away, from one goal to the next to the next and so on.
Lose one game and you may fall out of the national title picture. Lose two and you almost certainly will. Lose three and your conference title chances are almost always dead, and in the Big Ten, your Rose Bowl hopes go with them. Lose four and the consequences begin to blur a little, but it likely will be the difference between playing in a bowl game most people watch and one that most people don't. Lose five and you just might find yourself playing in a bowl game sponsored by Rice-A-Roni.
Think every game doesn't mean something? Unless you find yourself buried deep on the other side of the ledger, they all do.
So as wild and unpredictable as the current college football season has been, it has always been clear that Ohio State's season would end like this, with must-win games against Illinois and Michigan. If you believed the preseason musings of football's intellectuals, all three should have had better seasons to this point. But in the end, at least from the Buckeyes' standpoint, that doesn't much matter.

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Gleeful Illini a motivation for Buckeyes

Saturday, November 15, 2008 Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter

Columbus- Just 371 days ago, Illinois devastated Ohio State on Senior Day, ruining an undefeated OSU season with a 28-21 upset.
"This was our season," OSU captain Kirk Barton said after that loss.
Except it wasn't.
The crushing defeated turned out to be a minor inconvenience. The Buckeyes still won an outright Big Ten title and still made it to the national championship game. They got everything they wanted, and there turned out to be no difference between zero losses in the regular season and one loss.
Until today.
"It'll be on our minds for next year," Ohio State's Anderson Russell said moments after that loss on Nov. 10, 2007, "but it's a long time till then."
Not that long. So does last year's game have any effect on today, when Ohio State plays at Memorial Stadium?
Yes and no, though the Buckeyes, last year's losers, seemed to hang on to the past this week more than last year's victors did.
Why it matters

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Juice big challenge for OSU defense

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - It is not a power problem or a squashed citrus issue, but the Buckeyes start the day preoccupied with Juice. It's not about electrical current or the vitamin-packed drink, but the Illinois quarterback.

Juice Williams was called Isiah John at birth, when his excessive weight of 13 pounds and eight ounces was nearly fatal. Since then, the now 6-3, 235 pound Williams has developed into one dangerous athlete on the football field.

Juice is the source of many of Ohio State's concerns as the Buckeyes prepare to face Illinois here today in a critical Big Ten game. It's all about Juice.

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