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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)


Turn this orange jersey (and contents) into a pulverized mass that can't be mistaken for anything other than OJ running down his leg. It's their house, they can clean up the mess.

Go Bucks
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utgrad73;1324735; said:
Just finished watching it and we won it again. :biggrin:

i'm watching it now for the first time. i was unable to watch it in 2002 (that's the last game i've missed that wasn't by choice). i didn't realize we got screwed by refs in that game as well. Krenzel's dive in the 1st qtr was a TD and they only got 3 out of it. the subsequent 3 false starts in a row on 3rd and goal were pretty bazaar.
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Buckeyes want to pressure Illinois' Williams

By Rusty Miller
Associated Press

Thursday, November 13, 2008

COLUMBUS ? The Ohio State Buckeyes had a perfect season spoiled a year ago ? and almost had the same thing happen a year earlier ? by quarterback Juice Williams and Illinois.
Now, with so much to play for and so few games left, they're taking steps to see that Williams and Co. don't ruin yet another season when the teams meet in Champaign, Ill., on Saturday.
"You never really forget things like that," cornerback Malcolm Jenkins said of then-No. 1-ranked Ohio State's 28-21 home loss to the Illini a year ago. "But it's not the main focus of what we're trying to do. We're trying to get better."
So is Illinois. Coach Ron Zook's team (5-5, 3-3 Big Ten) has foundered most of the season. The Illini need another win to clinch a bowl trip.
Ohio State (8-2, 5-1), meanwhile, still has high hopes of grabbing at least a piece of the conference title and of earning a Bowl Championship Series berth. They need to win out to accomplish both of those goals.
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Ohio State, Illinois boast a couple of sharp corners
Buckeyes' Jenkins, Illini's Davis two of the top-rated at their position in Big Ten
Friday, November 14, 2008 3:03 AM
By Tim May


Fate pushed Malcolm Jenkins and Vontae Davis onto the same team in May. Two of the better cornerbacks in college football hung out together as they took in the annual soiree in Arizona that goes with being a member of the 200 8 Playboy All-America team.
"We were usually just talking junk to all the other receivers who were out there," Jenkins said with a laugh.
Saturday, when Jenkins and 10th-ranked Ohio State take on Davis and disappointing Illinois in Champaign, Ill., the two will meet again.
"I'll probably talk to him before the game," Jenkins said. "It won't be anything friendly, though."
The Buckeyes not only are seeking revenge for the loss to Illinois a year ago, they're trying to improve their resume as a possible BCS at-large team. Illinois, reeling from a loss to Western Michigan last week, is just trying to gain bowl eligibility.
But for entertainment purposes, it would be fun if Jenkins and Davis could hook up in some type of head-to-head competition to decide at least the best cornerback in the Big Ten.
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I want to see a win first and foremost.
Second, I would love to see use beat Illinois up physically after the classless behavior last year. We get up early they might just roll over.
I expect a chippy, penality filled game.
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Wish time would go faster. I took friday (last night, 3rd shift) off work so I could get a sleeping rhythm down so I'm not tired during the game. I don't got anything to do today though so I'm just sitting around waiting till tomorrow AM to leave! It's only my 3rd Buckeye game, so the excitement is pretty high!
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1325053; said:
Sounds like it's gonna be cold and maybe some snow.

Yea, I live about 95 minutes away. It's about 30 right now, been raining ALL week long. Haven't seen snow yet here, though it did snow in Chicago during the bears game on Sunday.

EDIT: Not a Bears fan, Cowboys. Like thats much better.. :roll2:
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