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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

fourteenandoh;1322634; said:
who was the stud linebacker they had last year? (lehman?) i think he's gone this year. thank god. he was all over the field last year.

he was just an AJ Hawk wannabe, but yeah, glad he's gone too, because even AJ Hawk wannabes are pretty damn good


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daveeb;1322583; said:
Time for revenge after last year's game. I was at the game. I saw them charge the middle of the field after the game. Last year, Illinois played a excellent football game against the Buckeyes. They had absolutely no reason to brag or celebrate in a disrespectful fashion. This year, we need to pound the crap out of them and take our turtle trophy back!


:io:pounding the crap out of them seems fair
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Last season's loss to Illinois still stings
Tressel downplays revenge, but players know the score
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:16 AM
By Ken Gordon

Of course they remember, and of course they care. It was Senior Day in Ohio Stadium on Nov. 10 last year, a day for celebrating the contributions of departing seniors, and another day in what looked like a march to the national championship game for top-ranked Ohio State.
Illinois stood in the way. Even though the Illini were 7-3 and enjoying their best season in years, few expected what happened over the next three hours. Illinois put up a season-high 28 points on Ohio State's defense, forced three turnovers, then held the ball for the final 8:09 in a 28-21 victory.
Afterward, several Illini players rushed to midfield and began celebrating on the Block O logo. Ohio State players took exception, and a scuffle ensued. The Big Ten reprimanded both coaches and fined each school's athletic department $10,000.
So yes, as 10th-ranked Ohio State (8-2, 5-1 Big Ten) prepares to face Illinois (5-5, 3-3) on Saturday in Champaign, Ill., the Buckeyes certainly do remember.
"We've got such a bad taste in our mouth when you think of Illinois," tight end Rory Nicol said. "It's kind of like they robbed us last year. If someone breaks into your house, you ain't going to be happy about it, either."
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So which quarter with Andre Ware start whining about:

a) Running up the score last week against Northwestern

b) Black coaches in D-1a

c) Running up the score against Illinois

d) the cold

e) what his broadcast partner had to eat before the game....

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Derek2k3;1322050; said:
Andre Ware, what a dumbass. Especially last week when he's freaking out about OSU running up the score...moron. There's this thing called "Bowl Games", and tOSU sorta wants to go to a good one. And we sorta have a reputation that we don't close teams out...um, so yeah, we're going for the kill.

Pam Ward, how the hell does she still have a job? Ugh, I generally mute the game when she's calling it...

Tv must be on mute for this game and let 1460 give you the play by play.
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BuckeyeMike80;1323611; said:
So which quarter with Andre Ware start whining about:

a) Running up the score last week against Northwestern

b) Black coaches in D-1a

c) Running up the score against Illinois

d) the cold

e) what his broadcast partner had to eat before the game....


I hate it when the game is second to the stupid comments that seem to fill the time. Let's see less of Ware and his sidekick and more of the game. It's cold outside, get over it Andre and his buddy Dave can eat a bag of dicks for lunch. I don't care. There I said it.

I'd rather they spend some time on players bio, stories, stats, other sports related stuff. I don't care if Andre needs to buy a coat - he could have bought one that fits BTW.
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