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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

JT can say whatever he wants... These are still kids and they damn well remember last year and what happened after that game. They celebrated like they just won the freaking super bowl and If they don't play fired up from the start saturday then man I dunno what to say...
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Can OSU squeeze Juice?

Containing Illinois' nimble quarterback key for Bucks.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's been almost one year to the day since Illinois quarterback Juice Williams scorched himself into the Ohio State consciousness forever.
He threw four touchdown passes in Ohio Stadium, and the Buckeyes never quite got a handle on him in a stunning 28-21 loss.
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Ohio State sees need for pressurized Juice
Stopping Illini's running game will make Buckeyes less vulnerable to play-action
Thursday, November 13, 2008 3:28 AM
By Ken Gordon

Quarterback Juice Williams rushed for 70 yards and passed for four touchdowns in Illinois' 28-21 victory over Ohio State last season.

The formula for containing Illinois quarterback Juice Williams is simple, Ohio State defenders say: Pressure. Tackle. Cover. Simple enough. Now, go do it.
It has been 368 days since Williams and the Illini shredded and embarrassed a proud Buckeyes defense. Everyone focuses on Williams' four touchdown passes that day, and his third- and fourth-down conversions in the fourth quarter that allowed Illinois to run out the clock for a 28-21 victory in Ohio Stadium.
But a huge factor behind Illinois' success was its running game. Daniel Dufrene broke an 80-yard run on the Illini's second play from scrimmage, and Rashard Mendenhall later dashed 25 yards on a fourth-and-1.
With defenders creeping up to focus on run support, Williams employed play-action fakes beautifully for several of his TDs.
"That's what happens when they keep running the ball and being successful," linebacker Marcus Freeman said afterward. "You have guys that say, 'OK, we've got to go stop the run,' and that's when they play-action. It's tough."
The Buckeyes chose not to bring an inordinate amount of pressure. They blitzed at times, but mostly with linebackers, and they also employed some three-man fronts.
Williams was sacked once and did not throw an interception.
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Williams, Illinois fall from grace
Interceptions, losses put pressure on QB
Thursday, November 13, 2008 3:14 AM
By Bill Rabinowitz

Seth PerlmanAssociated Press
Illinois junior quarterback Juice Williams leads the Big Ten in passing yardage but has thrown 14 interceptions.

Juice Williams was on his way to becoming a top Big Ten quarterback before Illinois played Ohio State last November. By the time the final seconds had ticked off the clock in Columbus, Williams' name could be etched alongside the likes of Tshimanga Biakabutuka and Desmond Howard as Buckeyes killers.
Williams threw for four touchdowns, and his runs allowed the Illini to keep the ball for the final eight minutes of a 28-21 victory over top-ranked Ohio State.
That victory propelled Illinois to the Rose Bowl, which many expected the Illini and Williams to use as a springboard to similar success this season.
It hasn't worked out that way for Illinois, which is 5-5. As for Williams, it has been a mixed bag of a season.
The junior leads the Big Ten in passing yardage. His 276.9 yards per game is more than double his average last season. He also leads the conference with 20 touchdown passes.
But he also has thrown 14 interceptions, including seven in the past three games. His completion percentage is 57.1, down a fraction from last year.
As happens to any quarterback of a struggling team, Williams has taken criticism.
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If U. Go: Illinois

Thursday, November 13, 2008 3:14 AM
By Tom Reed


IN A NUTSHELL: Some Big Ten observers consider Champaign a bit bland. They simply don't have the well-connected sources of If U. Go. We've got it all: reindeer ranches, the coach's favorite hangout and a controversial return of Chief Illiniwek, plus Paul Keels' five-star recommendation for the Buckeyes' final road game of the regular season.
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buxfan4life;1323747; said:
Was I the only one thinking "why the hell didn't you bring a coat to the Chicago area in November? Dumb-ass!"?

Shaun King did the NIU-Central Mich game from Dekalb, Illinois last night - has also mentioned during the broadcast that he bought a coat yesterday.
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BB73;1324067; said:
Shaun King did the NIU-Central Mich game from Dekalb, Illinois last night - has also mentioned during the broadcast that he bought a coat yesterday.

I heard that too...what a tool! Seriously, bring a freakin coat with you if the game is in the midwest...or the east coast...or anywhere but the West Coast and Florida! Dumbasses...
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