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Notre Dame (football only discussion)

Brutus1;954017; said:
By my count, ND starts 8 Freshman or Sophomores. That seems pretty
high, until you consider that the Buckeyes start 9.

Their line is pretty much freshmen and sophomores, not to mention a true freshman at QB in Jimmy (hes going to be very good). Other than Chad Henne with Braylon, what true freshmen QB has ever been good? Their biggest problem is that they don't have any upperclassmen leadership for their young kids.
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king rhabuf;954205; said:
Their line is pretty much freshmen and sophomores, not to mention a true freshman at QB in Jimmy (hes going to be very good). Other than Chad Henne with Braylon, what true freshmen QB has ever been good? Their biggest problem is that they don't have any upperclassmen leadership for their young kids.

Art Schlichter
Bernie Kosar won a National Championship as a freshman
Jamelle Holieway won a National Championship as a freshman
Colt McCoy had a good season last year
Sam Bradford at Oklahoma is doing well...
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osugrad21;954209; said:
Art Schlichter
Bernie Kosar won a National Championship as a freshman
Jamelle Holieway won a National Championship as a freshman
Colt McCoy had a good season last year
Sam Bradford at Oklahoma is doing well...

Not to mention Ron Powlus.......

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Thanks for clearing up your fandom.
Their line is pretty much freshmen and sophomores
And yet their stud tackle has regressed in his second year, as has their highly touted center.
Other than Chad Henne with Braylon, what true freshmen QB has ever been good?
:lol: Chad was not the pinnacle of frosh qbs. But to stay within your apparent timeframe of history, Colt McCoy.
Their biggest problem is that they don't have any upperclassmen leadership for their young kids.
You don't need upperclassmen leadership to snap a football. There are easily 50-75 teams who play more sound football, and most of them would take 10-20 years to bring in as many HS stars as ND lands in 1 year.

Zbikowski's leadership still involves horrendous pursuit angles.
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Bob, you're senile. Zibby was the one that stripped the ball from Olson setting up Crum's recovery for a TD. He single handily took Olson out of the game on that play too, hes just that talented :wink2: To be honest, he does miss a play here and there, but for the most part he makes plays and is still a leading tackler, has a tendency to come up with turnovers too.\

O-line play this year really has been horrid, not sure if its just coaching or the O-line not coming together with 3 guys starting there for the first time. I think protection has gotten slightly better since the start, they can't open a hole to save their lives though, I feel for the tailbacks.
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ESPN - Forde: Dashing through the midseason report - Columnist

And freshly removed from the winless list is Notre Dame, which beat UCLA 20-6 behind the Herculean efforts of linebacker Maurice Crum (6), who intercepted two passes, forced two fumbles and recovered two fumbles, returning one for the clinching touchdown. Don't tell anyone, but Crum was recruited by the scourge of humanity, Ty Willingham (7).

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muffler dragon;954426; said:
I wonder... has tOSU ever been 0-5?

Nope. Never.

Here are tOSU's worst ever starts:

1890: 0-3, (if you count the May, 1890 game as part of the 1889/1890 school year)
1891: 0-2
1894: 0-2
1986: 0-2
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