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Notre Dame (football only discussion)

Dryden;949413; said:
Notre Dame fans grieve, coping with the reality that nobody gives a shit about them, unless they're watching because they don't give a shit about them. Hysterical. They're 0-5, and some are seriously dumbfounded how ABC could bump their market share for Ohio State/Purdue, calling it a bad business decision.:slappy: :lol:

Great site... pity the poor guy who intended to spend the time reading until Notre Dame returns to network's favor. He could start with War and Peace and then take on all 11 volumes of Will and Ariel Durant's Story of Civilization. That ought to carry him to the Navy game... and one of them had the nerve to suggest that Ohio State fans were arrogant! Amazing.
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The number of people that go to OSU. They have a hugh alum base through out the country. ND isnt the only team with a nation wide audience. I'm actully disgusted by the number of OSU fans here in Charleston. I've definately encounter more OSU fans down here in 8 years than ND fans.

What have you been doing to those ND fans in Charleston osugrad21? :p
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OSUsushichic;949461; said:
There was a poor soul in the Philly airport last weekend that was wearing a Notre Dame football shirt. He looked like he was extremely close to offing himself. Good thing they do security screening in airports. :p

Surprised they let him board :slappy:
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I was watching Big Ten extra points tonight (highlight show on BTN) and I saw a player on NoD make a great catch, who was named Golden Tate. I almost fell off the couch laughing. I mean, he's either a straight male porn star, or queerer than a 3 dollar bill. :biggrin:
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heisman;949756; said:
I was watching Big Ten extra points tonight (highlight show on BTN) and I saw a player on NoD make a great catch, who was named Golden Tate. I almost fell off the couch laughing. I mean, he's either a straight male porn star, or queerer than a 3 dollar bill. :biggrin:
No, he's a future four-time Heisman winner....
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ulukinatme;949157; said:
I don't know if the team has "turned the corner" yet, but if they can play 4 quarters of football like the last two at Purdue and the first two at MSU, they'll win some games. That remains to be seen though.
As far as the team going in the right direction, I'm thinking long term here, not short term. Short term, yeah, lot of youth and inexperience out there, lots of mental mistakes, they're correcting them as the season goes though. If they continued to make the same mistakes at the same frequency, the future would be pretty dismal. From what was mentioned in the post-game reports, the team hasn't had a lot of confidence in the locker room after games, which can be expected the way they started. There was a different energy after last week. If they can ride that and continue to improve, then yes I would say the team is in the right direction long term and have a good future.

Assuming for sake of argument that the last two quarters against Purdue was ND improving and not Purdue mailing it in, how do you go from that to the future looks good? What evidence is there that this leads to a "good" future and not merely a "less crappy" one?
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OSUsushichic;949461; said:
There was a poor soul in the Philly airport last weekend that was wearing a Notre Dame football shirt. He looked like he was extremely close to offing himself. Good thing they do security screening in airports. :p

Ha! I took a flight a couple of weeks ago, and had a similar story. Some Kevin Federline looking dirtbag got on the flight with -- get this -- an ND camouflage trucker cap. He didn't look particularly cheerful either. It took all of my restraint to keep from saying, "So what are you going hunting for? Your first touchdown?" :biggrin:
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BrutusBobcat;950340; said:
Ha! I took a flight a couple of weeks ago, and had a similar story. Some Kevin Federline looking dirtbag got on the flight with -- get this -- an ND camouflage trucker cap. He didn't look particularly cheerful either. It took all of my restraint to keep from saying, "So what are you going hunting for? Your first touchdown?" :biggrin:

That is a classic line, very funny that!
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BrutusBobcat;950340; said:
Ha! I took a flight a couple of weeks ago, and had a similar story. Some Kevin Federline looking dirtbag got on the flight with -- get this -- an ND camouflage trucker cap. He didn't look particularly cheerful either. It took all of my restraint to keep from saying, "So what are you going hunting for? Your first touchdown?" :biggrin:

Had you said that and I had been there, you would've had free drinks for your flight...
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BrutusBobcat;950340; said:
Ha! I took a flight a couple of weeks ago, and had a similar story. Some Kevin Federline looking dirtbag got on the flight with -- get this -- an ND camouflage trucker cap. He didn't look particularly cheerful either. It took all of my restraint to keep from saying, "So what are you going hunting for? Your first touchdown?" :biggrin:

I was walking into Culver's last night and was carrying my 1 year old. A nice gentleman saw me walking up and held the door for me. He was wearing a NoD polo. With a smile, I said to him thank you, but I didn't think someone wearing that shirt would be in the mood to be holding doors for people. He laughed and said, ohh this piece of crap, I found it in the garbage. :lol: I overheard him telling his wife about it and they were both having a good laugh about it as well.
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