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Notre Dame (football only discussion)

sandgk;954435; said:
Closest would be the 1943 record don't you believe? 1-5 in the first 6 games, 2nd game being the only win in that stretch.

Yes but put the big * next to that. WWII depleted a team that Paul Brown had won a NC with just the year before.

Of course I'm sure ND or tsun claims a NC that year and are happy to take all the leather helmet NC's they can get.
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sandgk;954435; said:
Closest would be the 1943 record don't you believe? 1-5 in the first 6 games, 2nd game being the only win in that stretch.

Yes, that's the closest to an 0-5 start, and as Jax pointed out, that was a team taken apart by World War II.

Also started 1-4 in 1893, and went 1-7-1 (winning the opener) in 1897.

Started 1-4-1 in 1947.

Only 5 losing seasons since 1925, which is the least of any program.
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sandgk;954485; said:
By contrast ND has 10 losing seasons, most after the age of the forward pass.
They are working on number 11 in front of our eyes.
Their first losing season was 1933.

Domers remaining path, all but 1 at home:

BC....good luck
Navy....350 ypg rushing, they put 24 on Rutgers and beat Temple, Duke and AFA, that's ND level competition.
AFA..who beat Utah at Utah 20-12
Duke...beat a B10 team this year, ND can't say that
@ Stanford...doesn't look so much like an auto W anymore does it?

I say they finish 4-8(and I think I'm being too kind), at least one of those last 4 gets them. 3-9 or even 2-10 aren't that big a stretch but I'd only be willing to wager 4-8.
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If they finish 4-8 wait until the end of the season, you will hear everyone of the ND persuasion tell you that they went 4-3 in their last seven games.

And they would take that as a good sign for next year.
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sandgk;954547; said:
If they finish 4-8 wait until the end of the season, you will hear everyone of the ND persuasion tell you that they went 4-3 in their last seven games.

And they would take that as a good sign for next year.

And I would quickly tell them that win % equates out to being 7-5 next year. I would also then agree with them that is a very good indicator of what they can expect next year. :wink2:
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ulukinatme;954241; said:
Bob, you're senile. Zibby was the one that stripped the ball from Olson setting up Crum's recovery for a TD. He single handily took Olson out of the game on that play too, hes just that talented :wink2: To be honest, he does miss a play here and there, but for the most part he makes plays and is still a leading tackler, has a tendency to come up with turnovers too.\

O-line play this year really has been horrid, not sure if its just coaching or the O-line not coming together with 3 guys starting there for the first time. I think protection has gotten slightly better since the start, they can't open a hole to save their lives though, I feel for the tailbacks.

Well, according to the now 8th sexual harrassment lawsuit filed against him, Bob can still get it up. Think Charlie can still get it up? :)
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Jaxbuck;954546; said:
Domers remaining path, all but 1 at home:

BC....good luck
Navy....350 ypg rushing, they put 24 on Rutgers and beat Temple, Duke and AFA, that's ND level competition.
AFA..who beat Utah at Utah 20-12
Duke...beat a B10 team this year, ND can't say that
@ Stanford...doesn't look so much like an auto W anymore does it?

I say they finish 4-8(and I think I'm being too kind), at least one of those last 4 gets them. 3-9 or even 2-10 aren't that big a stretch but I'd only be willing to wager 4-8.

You're being too kind. :wink: For their lone win, ND played a Bruins team that had to pull a fan out of the stands who had stayed at a Holiday Inn Express the night before to step in at QB, and ND was right around or just under 150 yards for the game. I think that UCLA team also lost this year to Utah by 80 or 90.

The Irish are still not good, and greater disasters await. Their best shot for a win is at home against Duke, and they're looking at a loss on the road in Palo Alto. The only other maybe win is Air Force, and I only say that because I know nothing about them this year other than what you posted.

I can't tell you how upset I am with UCLA for ruining ND's season so early. I hope that USC hangs a hundred on them. On the Bruins, I mean. But they can hang a hundred on ND, too -- I won't stop them. Neither will the Domers. :tongue2:
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After seeing Navy for the first time this year I have little doubt they can take ND. There really is no easy win on that schedule. 2-10 is becoming more and more realistic.
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BuckeyeMike80;955652; said:
Navy ran for 331 as a team (and also threw for 160)....

Notre Dame is 96th nationally against the run (allowing nearly 190 yards a game) and Pitt was 27th going into this game tonight against Navy.


Um, hi? Don't you know rankings don't matter when you've got Jesus Clausen and the Negative Rushing Yards Factory? ND will clearly win this game, I mean, they've turned the corner!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, not really.

I love how ND fans point out the "improvement" in their pass defense this year (ranked much higher than last year) without realizing that teams are rolling up 30+ points on them without even having to throw. In conclusion, it has come to my attention that Notre Dame does indeed suck.
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