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Notre Dame (football only discussion)

Jaxbuck;954546; said:
Domers remaining path, all but 1 at home:

BC....good luck
Navy....350 ypg rushing, they put 24 on Rutgers and beat Temple, Duke and AFA, that's ND level competition.
AFA..who beat Utah at Utah 20-12
Duke...beat a B10 team this year, ND can't say that
@ Stanford...doesn't look so much like an auto W anymore does it?

BC and USC should pretty much destroy them, though USC does have a habbit of playing down to their competition, they would have to play REALLY down to be at the level of NoD.

Navy, I think they are going to lose this game, after watching the Pitt/Navy game last night I have to say they can move the ball. So this may be the year that Navy finally gets over. Granted, Pitt isn't a football power house this year, but still, it let me see what the Navy team was like this year.

Air Force, another team that can move the ball, though mostly through the air if NoD can get a few interceptions ran back they may get this one.

Duke I think they pretty much win, then again the perfect season was ruined by fUCLA anways.

Though Stanford doesn't look like an automatic win I still think the Irish should win this game, but who knows, I also thought that USC was going to put the score in the 70s on Stanford.

The suffering for Irish fans may be slowed down but it's far from over. I think anyone on their remaining schedule has a chance, and a good chance at that, of beating them. That offense is horrid.
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king rhabuf;958487; said:
Bradford is a poor example. His team is stacked and hes in a perfect situation. He redshirted too. Clausen is a TF, playing with a line thats had a number of different starting rotations. ND lost the most players of any BCS team too.

Really? Who did they lose? Quinn, Walker, McKnight, Samardzija, Abiamiri, Harris...um.....

Michigan lost Woodley, Harris, Burgess, Hall, Mundy, Biggs, Branch, Rivas etc...
Ohio State lost Smith, Pittman, Ginn, Gonzalez and I'm sure the guys on here will add to my list.

ND sucks, end of story. Stop trying to defend them, they're brutal. Clausen can't hit a 5 yard drag route.
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BuckeyeNation27;958497; said:
so wait...you pretended to be an Ohio State fan to hype Brady Quinn for the Browns fans?

Haha, thats actually pretty funny. My master plan worked! I actually came here because there is some good knowledge in the recruiting section.

I don't think Jimmy's arm is better. His long passes were floating terribly today.
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I enjoy watching Sharpley lead the team down for a touchdown.... I hate seeing them score a TD, but it is just fun to watch him do a lot better then Jimmy. Makes Charlie look even worse when he comes back the next week and starts Jimmy again.
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SNIPER26;958492; said:
Ohio State lost Smith, Pittman, Ginn, Gonzalez and I'm sure the guys on here will add to my list.
... and Datish, Downing, Smith, Mitchell, Pitcock, Patterson, and Richardson.

Last years' team had 18 fifth year seniors. Half the starting 22 from the national title game are gone.
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BuckTwenty;958693; said:
I missed it the end of the game. Did the Boston College fans tear down the goalposts?
No, and the NoD fans heeded the council of their paper and refused to rush the field after the stirring moral victory. I think that will open the eyes of the voters and make BC drop 5 or so spots. Because if NoD fans don't respect a team it doesn't even belong in the top 25.
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Really sucks for BC that they couldn't have lost to ND because that would have put them on the map, maybe then they could break into the top 25 because they would have been undefeated before that and we all know its ok to lose to the great Ntre Ame because they are college footballs greatest team ever so losing to them is like beating everyone else.

Wait, whats that you say? BC was ranked 4th in the country before that game?!? That doesn't make any sense they haven't played ND recently they shouldn't even be on the map?
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