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Notre Dame (football only discussion)

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Weis has repeatedly said Clausen has been the starter because he's been more accurate throwing. The statistics back him up. Clausen is 81-of-141 passing for a 57.4 completion rate, while Sharpley is 43-of-80 with a 53.8 completion rate. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][/FONT]

anyone else get the feeling that if the completion % didn't back up starting Clausen, Weis would have found another measuring stick to justify starting him? I do.
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MililaniBuckeye;959282; said:
Don't you mean "Nobody doubts that Clausen will be the future QB"? Or are you saying you all know he'll suck for all time? :biggrin:
Given that his last name is Clausen, I would guess that "he'll suck for all time" is an accurate guess. Even without any other information given.
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king rhabuf;959905; said:
Did you see the BC game? Ryan didn't fare to well, and looked like an average QB. That was with Wooden on the field too. The team didn't quit either, they easily could have.

My biggest concern right now is Jimmy...

Well, you've got it figured wrong then. Your biggest concern should undoubtedly be Charlie. Ryan didn't fare too well, and yet ND still is punchless with their offensive wunderkind coach. Meanwhile, defections continue.
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Posted two days before the game.
SNIPER26;955882; said:
Um, hi? Don't you know rankings don't matter when you've got Jesus Clausen and the Negative Rushing Yards Factory? ND will clearly win this game, I mean, they've turned the corner!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, not really.

I love how ND fans point out the "improvement" in their pass defense this year (ranked much higher than last year) without realizing that teams are rolling up 30+ points on them without even having to throw. In conclusion, it has come to my attention that Notre Dame does indeed suck.
kingly response to previous post two days after the game.
king rhabuf;959905; said:
Did you see the BC game? Ryan didn't fare to well, and looked like an average QB. That was with Wooden on the field too. The team didn't quit either, they easily could have.

My biggest concern right now is Jimmy...

I would guess that SNIPER26 hadn't watched the game at the time of his post.
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The most amazing thing about this string of losses is that, with the exception of BC, the teams that have beaten ND have not been having outstanding seasons... in fact they've all been pretty ordinary. This USC team coming in has not shown much the past few weeks either. If it weren't for the need to see the Irish ruled out of any bowl game possibility I'd almost like to see them upset the Trojans. Don't they have some kind of drop dead contract that says they can win any four games and get in a BCS bowl game? (note use of sarcasm font...Dinsdale)
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cincibuck;960065; said:
The most amazing thing about this string of losses is that, with the exception of BC, the teams that have beaten ND have not been having outstanding seasons... in fact they've all been pretty ordinary. This USC team coming in has not shown much the past few weeks either. If it weren't for the need to see the Irish ruled out of any bowl game possibility I'd almost like to see them upset the Trojans. Don't they have some kind of drop dead contract that says they can win any four games and get in a BCS bowl game? (note use of sarcasm font...Dinsdale)

You're off on this one:

Sagarin SOS to date:
1. Washington
2. Notre Dame
3. UNC
4. Stanford
5. FIU
6. Syracuse
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Nothing like the ole ND fan SOS fallback. :lol: It never fails. (no offense uluk... you're a welcome exception)
You're off on this one:
:atom: Keep sticking your head in the sand, and ignoring reality. All of these teams are having average seasons, if not below average for some.

Michigan (two humiliating losses), Michigan State (unranked, lost to NW!), Penn State (lousy QB & OL, RB was awful till this week), & Georgia Tech (4-3 w/ a narrow win over a lousy Miami team)
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king rhabuf;960332; said:
You're off on this one:

No he isn't. He said they areen't having outstanding seasons. Are any of those teams, with the exception of BS, having outstanding seasons? No.

With the exception of BC, each of ND's opponents has at least 2 losses. And only one of those losses was against ND. We aren't talking about a 7-0 Michigan, a 6-1 PSU, etc.
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king rhabuf;960406; said:
Heh, if only we played powerhouses like Youngstown St., Akron, Northwestern, Minnesota, and Kent St.:wink:

You can point out these losses, but every team is flawed in some way this year.

Yes, every team is flawed and has weaknesses. Unfortunately for you, ND has more flaws than that virtually every other team in CFB. Notre Dame football has set futility records this year. And there's no one that's convinced this is because they played dominant teams. They played decent teams, and they got PUMMELED doing it.
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king rhabuf;960406; said:
Heh, if only we played powerhouses like Youngstown St., Akron, Northwestern, Minnesota, and Kent St.:wink:
When you can't admit you're wrong, just deflect to another topic. :roll2: Never mind that Ohio State is favored by SEVENTEEN points against sparty this weekend.
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king rhabuf;960406; said:
Heh, if only we played powerhouses like Youngstown St., Akron, Northwestern, Minnesota, and Kent St.:wink:

You can point out these losses, but every team is flawed in some way this year.

Wow. What a powerful retort. :shake:

The depressing thing for Domers this year is that YOUR TEAM is in the same category (or worse) than the "powerhouses like Youngstown St, Akron, Northwestern, Minnesota, and Kent State".

Normally the pig on hind tit doesn't try to talk his way to the front, but I give you a C- for effort.
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