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Notre Dame (football only discussion)

JWinslow said:
Nothing like the ole ND fan SOS fallback. :lol: It never fails. (no offense uluk... you're a welcome exception)
Thanks, my goal is to change the perception of the average online Irish fan, but thats a fairly steep hill to climb :lol: SOS means diddly if we don't win, thats all that matters. Moral victories give hope, but nothing you can put a tally on in the win collumn.

Nothing new to add now, other than Matt Carufel has officially left the team, making it the 4th Sophomore this year. He was replaced on the depth chart by Eric Olsen and decided to transfer. This may be old information though, I see theres been some decent activity since yesterday.

Oh, as far as redshirting, not sure what they're talking about. I know we've used medical redshirting with McKnight 2 years ago, and Davies and Willingham both used freshman redshirting if I remember correctly. Weis seems to be working in a lot of freshmen rotations currently, not sure if any others are actually redshirted at this time.
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My response to all of the "we operate at a disadvantage" nonsense is this -- if you want to see "operating at a disadvantage", ask about recruiting at one of the service academies. Funny that Notre Dame and their fans generally don't point out that they operate at a distinct structural advantage over three of their traditional opponents. I doubt that the academies can redshirt anyone for any reason.

Looking at the rest of their normal schedule, other than Michigan State, I don't exactly see a bunch knuckle-dragging football factory community colleges. USC, Stanford, Purdue, Duke, Georgia Tech, Michigan in addition to the aforementioned service academies...these are among the nation's most highly regarded undergraduate schools.

If Notre Dame played an SEC schedule like Vandy does, I could see a tiny bit of room for whining. However, unlike Notre Dame, Vandy coaches, players and fans don't whine, and Vandy wins games.
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BrutusBobcat;961222; said:
My response to all of the "we operate at a disadvantage" nonsense is this -- if you want to see "operating at a disadvantage", ask about recruiting at one of the service academies. Funny that Notre Dame and their fans generally don't point out that they operate at a distinct structural advantage over three of their traditional opponents. I doubt that the academies can redshirt anyone for any reason.

Looking at the rest of their normal schedule, other than Michigan State, I don't exactly see a bunch knuckle-dragging football factory community colleges. USC, Stanford, Purdue, Duke, Georgia Tech, Michigan in addition to the aforementioned service academies...these are among the nation's most highly regarded undergraduate schools.

If Notre Dame played an SEC schedule like Vandy does, I could see a tiny bit of room for whining. However, unlike Notre Dame, Vandy coaches, players and fans don't whine, and Vandy wins games.

Just from looking at the roster for Navy at E$PiN.com, I didn't see any redshirts (I had to look at the class they were in and compare that to the number of years for stats they had)...

I might have missed one, but it's surely not as widespread (if it exists at all) at the service academies....
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BrutusBobcat;961222; said:
My response to all of the "we operate at a disadvantage" nonsense is this -- if you want to see "operating at a disadvantage", ask about recruiting at one of the service academies. Funny that Notre Dame and their fans generally don't point out that they operate at a distinct structural advantage over three of their traditional opponents. I doubt that the academies can redshirt anyone for any reason.

Looking at the rest of their normal schedule, other than Michigan State, I don't exactly see a bunch knuckle-dragging football factory community colleges. USC, Stanford, Purdue, Duke, Georgia Tech, Michigan in addition to the aforementioned service academies...these are among the nation's most highly regarded undergraduate schools.

If Notre Dame played an SEC schedule like Vandy does, I could see a tiny bit of room for whining. However, unlike Notre Dame, Vandy coaches, players and fans don't whine, and Vandy wins games.

Yeah, but Vandy never had to recover from Ty Willingham :cry:
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ulukinatme;961337; said:
Not in comparison to years past, but you guys can at least open holes for your running game still, I saw some nice ones against Nebraska.
Similar credit is given by many in the media too, for a reason i can't understand. They nearly lost to Wake (w/out a starting qb), and then got humiliated against Ball State (but eeked out a win).

Ball State ran for 40 more yards and a better avg per carry. BALL STATE!
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Forde kicks the Domers while they're down. Again.

Recap from last week:

ESPN - Forde: Dashing through the midseason report - Columnist

And freshly removed from the winless list is Notre Dame, which beat UCLA 20-6 behind the Herculean efforts of linebacker Maurice Crum (6), who intercepted two passes, forced two fumbles and recovered two fumbles, returning one for the clinching touchdown. Don't tell anyone, but Crum was recruited by the scourge of humanity, Ty Willingham (7).

And the new one for this week:

ESPN - Forde: Dashing through the trash - Columnist

... it appears the Fighting Irish have found a more productive quarterback. His name is Evan Sharpley (28), and his passing numbers are markedly better than hotshot freshman Jimmy Clausen's. It should be noted that the junior originally committed to the scourge of humanity, Ty Willingham (29), whom meteorologists are blaming for the drought conditions throughout much of the country.
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ulukinatme;961337; said:
Not in comparison to years past, but you guys can at least open holes for your running game still, I saw some nice ones against Nebraska. Lets just say in comparison to ND, you guys aren't too shabby.

They did run very well at Nebraska. Since then the USC O-line has been hit with a slew of injuries.
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