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Notre Dame (football only discussion)

king rhabuf;960332; said:
You're off on this one:

Nope, I could give a shit what the SOS claims, the fact remains Michigan was oh and 2 when they played, Purdue is now 5/2 and has beaten no one, MSU is on it's way to a 6 and 6 season, UCLA gave up 44 points to Utah and can't beat their way out of a wet paper bag or the Notre Dame defense. Georgia Tech is a middle of the road ACC (Almost College Capable) team... I will give you that BC is maybe a top ten team.

BTW, I'm willing to bet the SOS you quote was developed BEFORE the season began.
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BuckeyeNation27;960434; said:
seriously....wasn't the king pretending to be an OSU fan at one point?
Yeah - well he did try to engage in discussion of the Buckeyes back before his life-size Quinn fathead and blow-up Weis love doll came through the mail.

cincibuck;960436; said:
BTW, I'm willing to bet the SOS you quote was developed BEFORE the season began.
Actually it is the current SOS - from Sagarin ND #2, Washington #1 etc.

But - that is besides the point. ND hasn't lost their games because the schedule was tough. They have lost them because they were ill-prepared and (with departures by the week it seems) under-manned.
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The ND fans are always talking about how overrated OSU is. I remember in particular 2005 when we were bombarded with that message.

ND fans have zero credibility. You thumped your chests in 2005 when you backed into a BCS Bowl you were not prepared for. You thumped your chests in 2006 when you backed into a BCS Bowl you were not prepared for. And you have been thumping your chests for three years about the wonderful Coaching hire you have made - whose major accomplishment this year will be having a record number of in-season transfers.

And yes - I know very well what happened in last years Title game. But we damn sure earned the right to be there.
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Buckeye86;960410; said:
Unfortunately for you and Notre Dame, about 114 teams are flawed less than the Irish.

(crap, matcar was quicker than me)



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You can point out these losses, but every team is flawed in some way this year.
Notre Dame isn't flawed, it's an embaressment to Div III teams everywhere.

Oh8ch;960794; said:
The ND fans are always talking about how overrated OSU is. I remember in particular 2005 when we were bombarded with that message.

...and 1995.

...and 1996.
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king rhabuf;960332; said:
You're off on this one:

Sagarin SOS to date:
1. Washington
2. Notre Dame
3. UNC
4. Stanford
5. FIU
6. Syracuse

I guess the simple point is this. We now play the heart of that #2 SOS that you are crowing about. For you, it is a tough schedule, yet the whole world is telling us that the Big Ten ain't diddle.

Either way, don't worry. Now you enter your traditional cremepuff schedule of Navy, Duke and the other powerhouses. Difference is that this year, they will all beat you like a drum, not just USC.

Sucks to be a Domer, doesn't it?
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Steve19;960848; said:
Either way, don't worry. Now you enter your traditional cremepuff schedule of Navy, Duke and the other powerhouses. Difference is that this year, they will all beat you like a drum, not just USC.

Sucks to be a Domer, doesn't it?

sucks to be everyone else if they don't lose against the cremepuffs, because if they look slightly competitive in one of these games (let alone win one) all offseason will be spent discussing how Weis will return them to glory thanks to all of the experience they were able to get while having their asses beat this year and how smart Weis was for getting all the young guys playing time for a run next year (ect. ect.)...
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Steve19;960848; said:
I guess the simple point is this. We now play the heart of that #2 SOS that you are crowing about. For you, it is a tough schedule, yet the whole world is telling us that the Big Ten ain't diddle.

No sense talking to ostriches or chimps...they'll either put their heads in the sand (if it ain't already up their asses), or they'll throw shit at you (both literally and figuratively).

We will indeed be playing the same Michigan State, Penn State, and Michigan teams to whom ND lost by a cumulative score of 100-24 (along with our already having pounded the same Purdue team that beat ND by two TDs), but ND fans will claim that any such comparison is invalid because they were starting QBs that didn't start last year, while on the other hand we are...uh, wait a minute...
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I ventured over to the Notre Dame boards for the first time in a while tonight. Posters on IrishEyes were claiming notre lame doesn't redshirt players and that a "5th year" player would have to be enrolled in graduate school. Any truth to this?

So is it common for these DBags to fall back on the fact their school is the Harvard of the midwest with a true commitment to student athletes unlike the evil football factories of the world when their team blows?
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DaytonBuck;960921; said:
I ventured over to the Notre Dame boards for the first time in a while tonight. Posters on IrishEyes were claiming notre lame doesn't redshirt players and that a "5th year" player would have to be enrolled in graduate school. Any truth to this?

So is it common for these DBags to fall back on the fact their school is the Harvard of the midwest with a true commitment to student athletes unlike the evil football factories of the world when their team blows?

Whether or not a player is enrolled in graduate school has absolutely nothing to do with redshirts.

If a player does not take a redshirt, he is not around in the 5th year. A 5th year "player" who did not redshirt is not a player; he's a former player.

Yes, 5th year former players are typically in grad school at ND. But that's because they aren't NFL (or real world) capable.
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DaytonBuck;960921; said:
I ventured over to the Notre Dame boards for the first time in a while tonight. Posters on IrishEyes were claiming notre lame doesn't redshirt players and that a "5th year" player would have to be enrolled in graduate school. Any truth to this?

So is it common for these DBags to fall back on the fact their school is the Harvard of the midwest with a true commitment to student athletes unlike the evil football factories of the world when their team blows?
Actually there are two sides to that coin, and it depends on what you believe to be the true purpose of redshirting.

First some facts.

Does ND have on roster players that did not play last year, yet were on scholarship. Yes - Check.

Do the ND players that are now in their 5th year on campus, exercising their 4th year of playing time, take classes at an undergraduate or graduate level. As far as I know, 5th year players are meant to be registered in graduate level courses. This isn't unknown elsewhere in the college football world.

(A certain Heisman Trophy winning QB at Ohio State comes to mind).

Next the premise - what is the purpose of redshirting in the Freshman year?

Typically this is done so that a player can enter the squad at either optimum weight and strength, or when there is a best fit for their talents (as in the RB slots are backed up, but wait a year and you have a clear path to playing time).

Does ND do that? Yes.

So, why does ND claim they do not redshirt?
Because it makes them feel superior. What they cite are the other type of "redshirt" - the ones handed out to players who may need that extra year to focus on their studies. Of course that could never happen at ND, right?

Except that it does, and it is a reason why some players don't see the field early in South Bend.

So the no redshirt fallacy about Notre Dame is one based on the presumption that redshirting automatically means the player will be taking that extra year to finish their undergraduate degree requirements.

EDIT: The other part of this is that some ND fans still are under the misapprehension that the following was and remains true:

Holtz on Redshirting & ND
"We operate at a disadvantage when we don't redshirt across the board and everyone else does. There's no doubt it would be in the best interests of the football team if we did redshirt our entire freshman class. But it wouldn't necessarily be in the best interests of the University or the athletes. I understand why Notre Dame does it the way it does. If a student here is behind after his freshman year, he goes to summer school, to stay even with his class. It's that way every year, and that's why almost everyone, including football players, graduates in four years. The philosophy here is that the Notre Dame academic experience is a four-year experience, and that football should fall into that time frame, too."
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