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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)

Mrstickball;2054979; said:
Just curious, but with Nebraska being 3rd in their division, what are their hopes/aspirations for next year?

MSU will likely be down with Cousins finally ending his 30-year career. Would seem like if Nebraska can beat the pooverines in Lincoln, you have a shot.

Us and Michigan are the class of the B1G next year IMO

There you have it!

(No offense intended to the several great Nebraska posters on this board).
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I think we have a lot of pieces to be good on offense next year - maybe very good.

I think we stand a really good chance of being worse on defense next year, and (shudder) possibly a lot worse. Bo Pelini - Defensive Genius needs to have a very good Bowl, Spring and Fall camp of teaching the youngsters on this defense how to play top-notch defense. We saw a lot of bumbling out there this year, and the guys who were bumbling will be back.

I'm concerned about 2012, and not just because of those damned Mayans.
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HuskerFromOhio;2052836; said:
Us and Michigan are the class of the B1G next year IMO

Michigan will probably drop to 8 wins next year and may be 2-2 entering big ten play. The D line will take a hit because they lose three starters and that will be huge for us. I'm not worried about the offense because most of the starters return. A few big players leave but they should be ok. Michigan is starting to recruit some nice talent along both lines but....they are only freshman and need time to develop. Michigan is still a few years away where they want to be.
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"Learn how to call a [censored]ing holding penalty on our opponents."

LMAO you think it's bad against other BIGS? Wait till you play another BCS conference team..e.g. That lil ol Fiesta Bowl in Miami..we actually had to start a sweatshop at halftime to repair our D-Linemans jerseys.

Nice post ..Welcome to the BIG.:osu:
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Michigan will probably drop to 8 wins next year and may be 2-2 entering big ten play. The D line will take a hit because they lose three starters and that will be huge for us. I'm not worried about the offense because most of the starters return. A few big players leave but they should be ok. Michigan is starting to recruit some nice talent along both lines but....they are only freshman and need time to develop. Michigan is still a few years away where they want to be.

That is doubtful IMO. I didn't realize I was getting bashed on the last page. MSU and Wisconsin loss a lot it seems. While we return a lot of our guys. Michigan is probable going to be preseason top 5 with all the guys they bring back.

And will all due respect I think its unfair to expect Urban to turn you guys around in one season.

I think if we're being objective the favorites for next year are

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HuskerFromOhio;2057607; said:
That is doubtful IMO. I didn't realize I was getting bashed on the last page. MSU and Wisconsin loss a lot it seems. While we return a lot of our guys. Michigan is probable going to be preseason top 5 with all the guys they bring back.

You still don't substantiate your POV considering the people they lose.

And will all due respect I think its unfair to expect Urban to turn you guys around in one season.

Turn around from a 0.500 season is not a matter of magic especially when you consider the youth this past season.

I think if we're being objective the favorites for next year are


Feel free to notate the reasons pro/con on why you believe so?

I'll help you with a few points:

1) Michigan: lose two key members (at least) on their already suspect defense. Sure, the defense was better this year; however, there's a difference between suck to decent and improving beyond that.
2) Nebraska: lose key members on defense. I believe Burkhead graduates as well. With Taylor at QB, you're always going to be suspect especially as DCs get a second chance at him.
3) Wiscy doesn't have a QB next year. Their defense didn't stop anyone this year, and who knows what they'll be like next.

It's a toss up on who will be where. There are just as many question marks with each team going in to next year.
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knapplc;2055464; said:
I think we have a lot of pieces to be good on offense next year - maybe very good.

I think we stand a really good chance of being worse on defense next year, and (shudder) possibly a lot worse. Bo Pelini - Defensive Genius needs to have a very good Bowl, Spring and Fall camp of teaching the youngsters on this defense how to play top-notch defense. We saw a lot of bumbling out there this year, and the guys who were bumbling will be back.

I'm concerned about 2012, and not just because of those damned Mayans.

I think the secondary will be much improved. The front 7 will be next year's Kryptonite, with tackling machine David leaving.
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Wells4Heisman;2057610; said:
Thoughts on South Carolina?

It's gonna be a close game. Their mobile QB (Shaw) may give us problems, but with a month to prepare and heal up, I feel a little bit better.

South Carolina isn't as stout against the run (43rd) as they are against the pass. That's a positive, but they are overall #4 in total defense with two studs on the D-Line. I think NU is going to have to play their game of fast pace offense to tire them out by the 4th quarter.

NU has a better kicking game as well. Might come down to that?
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HuskerFromOhio;2057607; said:
And will all due respect I think its unfair to expect Urban to turn you guys around in one season.

Ohio State won 12 games in 2010.

In 2011 Ohio State lost a future hall of fame head coach, a QB who would have left the school as it's all time passing leader if he had stayed and had it's leading rusher & receiver sit out large parts of the season (not to mention the starting LT).

Despite the above and while being saddled with a lame duck rookie coach and serving as the media's whipping boy Ohio State's conference losses were by an average of 5 pts.

I don't think you have an understanding of how little it will take to turn this team around in 2012.
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HuskerFromOhio;2057607; said:
That is doubtful IMO. I didn't realize I was getting bashed on the last page. MSU and Wisconsin loss a lot it seems. While we return a lot of our guys. Michigan is probable going to be preseason top 5 with all the guys they bring back.

And will all due respect I think its unfair to expect Urban to turn you guys around in one season.

I think if we're being objective the favorites for next year are


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[Husker fans] There has been some complaining about who's being named as first team All-Americans, and who's winning what awards. Has anybody heard a talking head mention that Nebraska kicker Brett Maher didn't win the Groza, despite the fact that he was 42-42 on extra points, and made every kick he attempted that was less than 50 yards? He was also 3-of-6 on FGs of 50+ yards.

He should have won the Groza, even without considering his 45-yard punting average. The Groza went to a guy that missed a pair of extra points, missed 3 FGs less than 50 yards, and only made 1 FG longer than 50 yards.

So far only Yahoo/Rivals named Maher first team All-American. At least some voters were able to look beyond the number of FGs made in order to determine who the best placekicker was in 2011. [/Husker fans]
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BB73;2064991; said:
[Husker fans] There has been some complaining about who's being named as first team All-Americans, and who's winning what awards. Has anybody heard a talking head mention that Nebraska kicker Brett Maher didn't win the Groza, despite the fact that he was 42-42 on extra points, and made every kick he attempted that was less than 50 yards? He was also 3-of-6 on FGs of 50+ yards.

He should have won the Groza, even without considering his 45-yard punting average. The Groza went to a guy that missed a pair of extra points, missed 3 FGs less than 50 yards, and only made 1 FG longer than 50 yards.

So far only Yahoo/Rivals named Maher first team All-American. At least some voters were able to look beyond the number of FGs made in order to determine who the best placekicker was in 2011. [/Husker fans]

Used to stuff like that happening. Nebraska should have had a Groza award winner two years in a row.
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