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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)

alexhortdog95;2065240; said:
Used to stuff like that happening. Nebraska should have had a Groza award winner two years in a row.

Well, Nebraska did get a trade-off in the Heisman. Suh was clearly the best player and in no way should Ingram have won that award. But, that travesty was just karma for the award that should have gone to Rex Grossman. Instead the Heisman was turned into the Eric Crouch Career Acheivement Award that year.

So what did Nebraska get that caused karma to come around this time? :biggrin:
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OSU_D/;2065255; said:
Well, Nebraska did get a trade-off in the Heisman. Suh was clearly the best player and in no way should Ingram have won that award. But, that travesty was just karma for the award that should have gone to Rex Grossman. Instead the Heisman was turned into the Eric Crouch Career Acheivement Award that year.

So what did Nebraska get that caused karma to come around this time? :biggrin:

Ever driven from Denver to Grand Island, NE? That sort of pain takes a LOT of reparation in the karmic world.
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alexhortdog95;2065240; said:
Used to stuff like that happening. Nebraska should have had a Groza award winner two years in a row.

In all fairness it is really hard (for the voters) to distinguish one kicker as being better than the others since nobody sees all of each candidate's kicks. In addition, everyone knows that "stats" don't really tell the "whole story". Hype and publicity is everything for this award, and my guess is that not too many of the voters read the Lincoln Journal Star on a regular basis.

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OSU_D/;2065255; said:
Well, Nebraska did get a trade-off in the Heisman. Suh was clearly the best player and in no way should Ingram have won that award. But, that travesty was just karma for the award that should have gone to Rex Grossman. Instead the Heisman was turned into the Eric Crouch Career Acheivement Award that year.

So what did Nebraska get that caused karma to come around this time? :biggrin:

It has been widely rumored that Crouch was given Tommie Frazier's Heisman. Frazier lost out to.... ummm.... I forget. :biggrin:

Frazier has been named to several all-century teams, he's been dubbed by... someone... "the greatest college quarterback of all time" (and that wasn't a Nebraskan). So karmically, Crouch won Frazier's Heisman.

Regarding Suh - we all know the Heisman is an offensive trophy. There's no way a full-time defender is going to win that award. Ever.

Anyway, this whole detante thing we've got going between Nebraska and Ohio State is nice and all, and so far you're my favorite Big Ten fans, but even I think this is taking things too far:

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