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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)

CHU;2050462; said:
I wonder if a beat reporter will ask Bo Pelini if he did indeed interview for the Ohio State position and, if he did, when was it.

Pelini will probably respond with "no comment" regarding other schools' job searches. So I guess it would be pointless.

Interesting question though.

He'll say something like, "I'm not gonna get into that. I'm the head coach of the University of Nebraska."

Then, someone else will ask him the question.

"I'm done with that question."

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Actually, Bo said:

HuskerExtraSip Steven M. Sipple
Just talked with Bo Pelini regarding report he interviewed at Ohio State. "There's not truth to any of it," he said. And he wasn't pleased.


@swmckewonOWH Samuel McKewon
Bo Pelini: "There is absolutely no truth whatsoever" to Ohio State interview report from @RappUp bit.ly/sYsSev #huskers
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knapplc;2050652; said:
Actually, Bo said:

HuskerExtraSip Steven M. Sipple
Just talked with Bo Pelini regarding report he interviewed at Ohio State. "There's not truth to any of it," he said. And he wasn't pleased.


@swmckewonOWH Samuel McKewon
Bo Pelini: "There is absolutely no truth whatsoever" to Ohio State interview report from @RappUp bit.ly/sYsSev #huskers

Somebody is about to get their liver eaten, LOL...sheesh.
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knapplc;2050652; said:
Actually, Bo said:

HuskerExtraSip Steven M. Sipple
Just talked with Bo Pelini regarding report he interviewed at Ohio State. "There's not truth to any of it," he said. And he wasn't pleased.


@swmckewonOWH Samuel McKewon
Bo Pelini: "There is absolutely no truth whatsoever" to Ohio State interview report from @RappUp bit.ly/sYsSev #huskers

If he isnt pleased, that means he interviewed and is pissed that it got out!
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swmckewonOWH Samuel McKewon
Our @JonNyatawa was told by Osborne that OSU never contacted him and he and Bo never had any discussions about Ohio State #huskers

So what you have here is a fierce, blanket rebuke from Bo and Osborne about this Ohio State report.

RappUp Jeff Rapp
Just got off the phone with a very concerned Bo Pelini who swears he never interviewed for the #OhioState job. (continued) ...

... That, of course, goes against what I stated earlier today. I have no reason to doubt the two sources who gave me the information. ...

They are trusted, knowledgeable sources who have never steered me wrong. But Coach Pelini says he's a man of his word and I will take him...

...at his word. Obviously I am not out to hurt his reputation or his recruiting efforts at #Nebraska. What I can't get grip of is why ...

two impeccable sources would have this wrong -- separately. It makes me wonder if #OhioState put on some sort of front, quite frankly.

The problem is I don't have time to get to the bottom of this right now. I have a press conference to attend.
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knapplc;2050719; said:
swmckewonOWH Samuel McKewon
Our @JonNyatawa was told by Osborne that OSU never contacted him and he and Bo never had any discussions about Ohio State #huskers

So what you have here is a fierce, blanket rebuke from Bo and Osborne about this Ohio State report.

RappUp Jeff Rapp
Just got off the phone with a very concerned Bo Pelini who swears he never interviewed for the #OhioState job. (continued) ...

... That, of course, goes against what I stated earlier today. I have no reason to doubt the two sources who gave me the information. ...

They are trusted, knowledgeable sources who have never steered me wrong. But Coach Pelini says he's a man of his word and I will take him...

...at his word. Obviously I am not out to hurt his reputation or his recruiting efforts at #Nebraska. What I can't get grip of is why ...

two impeccable sources would have this wrong -- separately. It makes me wonder if #OhioState put on some sort of front, quite frankly.

The problem is I don't have time to get to the bottom of this right now. I have a press conference to attend.

Not sure if it was posted or not, but here's the article:

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Sometimes you can't trust coaches, but if Tom Osborne denies the story, I believe him.

The man (Osborne) stared down the University of Texas & jumped conferences, and will always be good in my book for doing that.
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CHU;2051001; said:
Sometimes you can't trust coaches, but if Tom Osborne denies the story, I believe him.

The man (Osborne) stared down the University of Texas & jumped conferences, and will always be good in my book for doing that.

I believe Pelini as well. It's contractual that he can't pursue other positions without talking with his boss first.

Bo's Contract: http://dataomaha.com/panorama/Bo-Pelinis-revised-contract
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Smith said today that the first time they talked to Meyer was on 11.20.

However, many believe that negotiations have been going on away from the "official" channels since June.

It might also be possible that Bo was approached by these "interested" parties as well... thus, both are true- he didn't talk to "Ohio State", but did talk about the position.
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MaliBuckeye;2051194; said:
Smith said today that the first time they talked to Meyer was on 11.20.

However, many believe that negotiations have been going on away from the "official" channels since June.

It might also be possible that Bo was approached by these "interested" parties as well... thus, both are true- he didn't talk to "Ohio State", but did talk about the position.

FWIW, Urban said that the first contact was this past summer in the conference. He states it just after saying that a 12 year-old in a tOSU is recruiting him.
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knapplc;2050719; said:
swmckewonOWH Samuel McKewon
Our @JonNyatawa was told by Osborne that OSU never contacted him and he and Bo never had any discussions about Ohio State #huskers

So what you have here is a fierce, blanket rebuke from Bo and Osborne about this Ohio State report.

RappUp Jeff Rapp
Just got off the phone with a very concerned Bo Pelini who swears he never interviewed for the #OhioState job. (continued) ...

... That, of course, goes against what I stated earlier today. I have no reason to doubt the two sources who gave me the information. ...

They are trusted, knowledgeable sources who have never steered me wrong. But Coach Pelini says he's a man of his word and I will take him...

...at his word. Obviously I am not out to hurt his reputation or his recruiting efforts at #Nebraska. What I can't get grip of is why ...

two impeccable sources would have this wrong -- separately. It makes me wonder if #OhioState put on some sort of front, quite frankly.

The problem is I don't have time to get to the bottom of this right now. I have a press conference to attend.

Jeff Rapp is legit enough to be on the BTN's "Top 10 blah blah's of the 2000s" type shows. Don't know how much that means but I would assume there's some credibility there...

My guess would be that TOSU sent a 'do u luv me - yes/no' note through back channels to a bunch of people and that may or may not have been exaggerated and misconstrued once 'sources' let the cat out of the bag...
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MaliBuckeye;2051194; said:
Smith said today that the first time they talked to Meyer was on 11.20.

However, many believe that negotiations have been going on away from the "official" channels since June.

It might also be possible that Bo was approached by these "interested" parties as well... thus, both are true- he didn't talk to "Ohio State", but did talk about the position.

Saw31;2051444; said:
Jeff Rapp is legit enough to be on the BTN's "Top 10 blah blah's of the 2000s" type shows. Don't know how much that means but I would assume there's some credibility there...

My guess would be that TOSU sent a 'do u luv me - yes/no' note through back channels to a bunch of people and that may or may not have been exaggerated and misconstrued once 'sources' let the cat out of the bag...

Yep, I believe that's pretty standard procedure. OSU didn't talk to Meyer before 11/20. Note that they didn't say they didn't talk to any agent who might have been representing Meyer. Similarly, Bo never talked to OSU. I have no doubt that's 100% true. But similarly, that doesn't say that Bo's agent didn't have at least brief contact with someone representing OSU, which Bo may or may not have even known about.
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