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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)

MaxBuck;2049860; said:
I'm confused. Are you referring to Wisconsin or Louisiana?

Until you posted this, I hadn't realized how similar the states were. Both extremely flat with lots of water bodies. And inbred residents. "Wisconsin. It's like Louisiana with worse food. And bitter cold. And snow." Sounds like a great new state motto.
Better than the current one.

Wisconsin: first in friendship, fourth in obesity
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MaxBuck;2049860; said:
I'm confused. Are you referring to Wisconsin or Louisiana?

Until you posted this, I hadn't realized how similar the states were. Both extremely flat with lots of water bodies. And inbred residents. "Wisconsin. It's like Louisiana with worse food. And bitter cold. And snow." Sounds like a great new state motto.

As opposed to those multicultural anti-gun urbanites Nebraska is known for?

And speaking of tubbies...

23 Nebraska 27.5
24 Wisconsin 26.9

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My take on your long post, summarized of course:

knapplc;2049677; said:
Team-by-team breakdown from a Husker fan:

- Your fans were asshats :biggrin:

Ohio State - My God, your fans are freakin' awesome. :biggrin:

Minnesota - it wasn't much of a game. :biggrin:

Michigan State - Sparty is a good, fun opponent. (by fun you mean being Sparty)

Northwestern - the last two times we've played you, the score has been 66-17 and 25-28. (Which team will show up? You never know with those wildcats)

Penn State - We shared a bond that goes beyond football before the game this year. (Here we call that revenge)

Michigan - [censored] TSUN. :oh:

Iowa - The rivalry that isn't. (Not really sure who theirs really is.)

Purdue, Illinois and Indiana - Not much to say. :biggrin:

Big Ten Officials - You are not the reason we suffered any of our three losses, but you sure as [Mark May] didn't help the situation. :(

Big Ten Brass - We get it - you don't want the n00bs to win the title in their first year. Or their second. (Maybe 3x is a charm :biggrin: )
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Saw31;2049942; said:

Welcome to the B1G! Why do you think we had to invent instant replay?

His answer: 1982 Penn State.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XiH8mxa-Z0"]Unbelievable Football Referee Call - NOT a Catch! - YouTube[/ame]
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Yeah. We're not bitter about that at all. :biggrin:
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I wonder if a beat reporter will ask Bo Pelini if he did indeed interview for the Ohio State position and, if he did, when was it.

Pelini will probably respond with "no comment" regarding other schools' job searches. So I guess it would be pointless.

Interesting question though.
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