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ND/Weis various topics

Why do you think that, b/c they don't have a stadium that seats over 100,000?

I've been there and can tell you for a fact that they are the most ravenous fans I've ever come across.

Although some of it may have had to do with it being a night game playing the undefeated defending National Champs but I've heard they're that way all of the time.

Yeah, and I've heard it isn't special. I'm not saying it isn't loud but it isn't up there with Ohio St., Penn St., and Iowa. And yes, having 100,000 as opposed to 80,000 is going to help the noise level. I'd rank Wisconsin fans as 11th classiest in the Big-10 which is being generous.

Sorry about getting off-topic.
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Charlie Weis walked into a bar...

(This is stupid as hell, but I couldn't quit laughing)

Then he sat down, broke a bar stool, and caused a small earthquake when he hit the floor

Then he got up and sat on the next barstool over, which he also broke, thereby causing another earthquake

Then he proceeded to work his way down the bar looking for a stool that could withstand his colossal girth, broke every barstool in the establishment, and caused several more earthquakes in the process

Then, from a standing position, he ate an entire bowl of complementary pretzels

Then he ate an entire bowl of complementary peanuts

Then he ate another bowl of pretzels

Then he ate another bowl of peanuts

Then he ate another bowl of pretzels

Then he ate another bowl of peanuts

Then he ordered and consumed some appetizers: two orders of potato
skins, three orders of jalapeno poppers, and four orders of mozzarella sticks

Then he ordered and consumed dinner: three plates of fettucini Alfredo
complete with six baskets of buttered dinner rolls

Then he ordered and consumed dessert: two pieces of “Death by Chocolate” cake, five pieces of peanut butter cheesecake, a strawberry milkshake, and an entire apple pie (a la mode, of course)

Then he went to the men’s room to torture some undeserving toilet, only to find it impossible to enter due to the fact that the doorway was not six feet wide

Then he reached into his pocket and retrieved the dozen or so butter packets he stole during dinner

Then he opened them up and spread them all over himself

Then, with the help of the lubrication provided by the butter, he squeezed himself into the bathroom

Then he tried unsuccessfully to fit into one of the stalls

Then he decided to use the wider handicapped stall, which he found to be much more accommodating

Then he sat on the toilet, cracked (but luckily did not shatter) the porcelain and caused another earthquake

Then he grabbed the handrail intended for wheelchair users in order to brace himself as the ground shook

Then, before doing his lengthy, unmentionable business, he reached into his jacket and pulled out some reading material- a sports magazine containing the following article:

The Sports Intellectual’s Greatest Hits

Volume 1: Charlie Weis

(from “Redneck Jim Tressel”)

“Heh, heh… Charlie Weis…That sumbitch is fatter’n a hippo ain’t he?”
(from “New Material…Finger Lickin’ Good!!”)

At an all-you-can-eat place, Chuck Weis
Declared as he paid the man thrice
“It’s only fair, son
You’ve a business to run
And besides, food is kind of my vice”

(from “Into The Valley Of The Sun”)

NOTRE LAME arrives with obese 1<SUP>st</SUP> year coach Charlie Weis at the helm to stay, having already been given a baseless contract extension through the year 3000.

(from “A Fiesta of Neutral Journalism”)

Notre Dame came out effectively, passing and running their way to a strong opening drive for which the Buckeye defense had no answer. It took them all of 2:01 to post the game’s first score, a run by Darius Walker. Irish coach Charlie “Tugboat” Weis, whose massive gut somehow managed to spill out over pants that were pulled belly button-high, approved of their early success.

(from various “Nostradumbass” entries)

-Charlie Weis will get his stomach stapled again because “nothing seemed to happen the first time”.

-Charlie Weis will have a threesome with a rack of ribs and a peach cobbler.

-Charlie Weis will become obese (Oh, wait, that already happened).

(from “The Sports Fly”)

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… Hey, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that was Charlie Weis over there, and he’s about to sit down for an enormous dinner. I don’t know about you, but I’m curious…

CHARLIE: Alone at last! Oh, my sweet, sweet lasagna, how I’ve missed you. Let’s never be apart again! Just look at you, you delicious meat loaf. Daddy’s gonna eat you up. And you over there, Ms. Pork Chop- you’ve been naughty, haven’t you? Well, I’ll deal with you later. And believe me, it won’t be pretty…

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… Let’s get out of here. Some things are even too disgusting for a fly to get near.


(from “Confucius Lives”)

…Charlie Weis has bigger Buddha than Chinese temple

…Charlie Weis same as Chinese soup- both won ton

(from “Psychic Medium Summons Santa”)

"Spealing of bad bodies, Charlie Weis, that flabby, pear-shaped garbage disposal of yours is beyond repair. Santa thought long and hard, but eventually came up with the perfect gift for you- a gigantic girdle!”

(from various “Numbers” entries)

565= Charlie Weis’s weight

4574= Number of times Charlie Weis thinks about food during a day

6= Pounds of gravy consumed by Charlie Weis in an average meal

4= Number of bypass operations recommended by Weis’s doctor

9= Number of pancakes in the stack Charlie Weis consumes for breakfast each morning (before he starts in on the bacon)

8= Number of layers in the cake he consumes for his post-breakfast dessert

$5000= Amount spent by Charlie Weis last year purchasing Little Debbie snack cakes

63= Number of inches in the circumference of Charlie Weis’s waist

168= Charlie Weis’s resting heart rate

512= Number of Chicken McNuggets eaten by Charlie Weis in a single sitting

513= Charlie Weis’s cholesterol level

3= Number of toilets Charlie Weis clogs each day

Then, in his customary fashion, he clogged the toilet

Then, unable to reach far enough around his saddlebags and back fat to wipe himself, he gave up and pulled his pants over the squishy fecal remnants that still protruded from his anus

Then he flushed and caused the toilet to overflow

Then he slipped in the puddle created by the overflow, soaking himself in toilet water and enveloping himself with human waste

Then he used the handrail to try to get back on his feet, but tore it off in the process

Then he used the toilet to get up, but slipped and gave himself a swirlie

Then he pulled his head out of the toilet, pushed his weight downward, and ripped the toilet off the wall as he miraculously made it to his feet

Then he went back to the bar and proceeded to get completely drunk

Then he hit the dance floor, bouncing fellow patrons off him like pinballs as he jiggled his hideous man boobs

Then he hit on a young lady, who said, “Eeew! No way. You’re like, totally fat!”

Then he hit on another young lady, who said, “Go away. You smell like butt.”

Then he hit on a third young lady, who maced him

Then he threw up all over himself

Then he threw up on an innocent bystander

Then he threw up on the floor

Then he slipped and fell face-first into his vomit pile

Then, after struggling for half an hour, he managed to stand up again

Then, he immediately slipped a second time and fell on top of the man standing next to him

Then he passed out with the man still underneath him

Then, unable to breathe, and with every bone in his body crushed into dust, the man died

Then, the fed-up bartender finally kicked Weis out

Then, a team of eight bouncers, three of whom were seriously injured during the task, rolled his still-unconscious carcass out the door

Then they peeled the deceased customer from between his folds of skin

Then a police cruiser arrived to haul him off to the station

Then the police realized that a simple squad car was nowhere near big enough to fit livestock

Then the police called for the paddy wagon and a hydraulic lift

Then, as they lifted him into the back of the van, all four tires simultaneously flattened

Then they called in the trailer that transports horses for the mounted patrol unit

Then they tried to put him in jail, but found it impossible to fit his flab factory through the entrance of a conventional cell

Then, they were forced to construct a makeshift holding pen in the parking lot with electric fence material from a nearby farm

Then, he woke up, rolled over, grabbed the side of his holding pen, and practically electrocuted himself, which caused the dried-up fecal matter and vomit that covered his skin to liquify and boil, permeating the air with a horrific smell heretofore unrivaled by any smell known to man, and creating a putrid cloud above the area in which he was contained

Then, a flock of geese flew into the noxious cloud and died instantly upon exposure, causing dead geese to fall like rain into the parking lot

Then, he used his state-mandated phone call to order a pizza- a double meat lover’s pizza with extra cheese (which he consumed in less than three minutes)

Then, after a few glorious days without him, his family at last arrived to bail him out

Then, as they walked away, Weis turned to his family and said, “Hey, is anyone else hungry?”
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Yeah, and I've heard it isn't special. I'm not saying it isn't loud but it isn't up there with Ohio St., Penn St., and Iowa. And yes, having 100,000 as opposed to 80,000 is going to help the noise level. I'd rank Wisconsin fans as 11th classiest in the Big-10 which is being generous.

Sorry about getting off-topic.

The majority of Wisconsin fans suck (I think I've met two nice Wisconsin fans... every other Wisconsin fan I've met is a punk imo...btw I've met several dozen wisky fans...)
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The Carolina Panthers should be an offensive juggernaut next season thanks to Charlie....:wink2:
From the Charlotte Observer June 1st

Weis, Irish staff share info with Panthers

Notre Dame coach Charlie Weis and his staff are in Charlotte this week to exchange information with Panthers coaches and to attend Carolina's minicamp.
Weis said after Wednesday morning's practice that he and close friend John Fox, the Panthers' coach, planned the time together several months ago.
"When you're coaching in college, you don't share with a college coach; and when you coach in the pros, you don't share with a pro coach," Weis said.
"This is an ideal situation. A lot of things we do and a lot of things they do are the same. ... It's a good marriage where we can try to solve some problems and share some information without passing it on to (another) NFL team or college team."
Fox and Weis have been getting together away from football with their families for years. Fox considered hiring Weis as the Panthers' offensive coordinator in 2002 before Weis decided to stay with the New England Patriots.
Weis helped Tom Brady become one of the NFL's best quarterbacks in New England, and has a new star protege in rising Irish senior Brady Quinn, the early favorite to be next year's No. 1 NFL draft pick.
"He's got all the tools," Weis said of Quinn. "We'll just see how he develops. He's pretty good right now. The reason he came back for another year (instead of turning pro) was to see if he can be seasoned one more year, make sure he's not a one-year wonder, then go on and have himself a nice (NFL) career."
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Took him a while, but here he does clearly state that he had not got ND in top shape for the tilt in the Fiesta Bowl.
When we last saw Quinn, he and his Irish teammates were being outclassed by Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl. Quinn (29 of 45, 286 yards, 0 touchdowns, 0 interceptions) certainly wasn't the problem. Notre Dame's defense was abysmal, allowing a school-record 617 yards in a 34-20 loss.

Asked what he had learned, Quinn replied: "That we're not there yet. When I look back, we worked our butts off to prepare for the game. Anytime I was home, I was still watching film. You could tell how every play was going to go in the game . . . "

"He's taking the hit," Weis said, interrupting. "The bottom line on that one is that the head coach has to get the team ready to play. And that's whose fault it was. If you want to blame someone, blame the head coach. Because the team was a little flat."
"little flat" :tongue2:

Now, all Weis need say is that he would have been better off without 6 weeeks to prepare (or that he was out-coached, or that the Buckeyes were simply better prepared, better coached and more athletic). But, I won't hold my breath.
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Took him a while, but here he does clearly state that he had not got ND in top shape for the tilt in the Fiesta Bowl.
"little flat" :tongue2:

Now, all Weis need say is that he would have been better off without 6 weeeks to prepare (or that he was out-coached, or that the Buckeyes were simply better prepared, better coached and more athletic). But, I won't hold my breath.

Took him a while?? CW said in the press conference after the game that OSU was the better team.
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