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ND/Weis various topics

Woody hit an opposing player, which is worse than being fat, arrogant and disrespectful combined . Why did he hit an opposing player? IMO, he thought he was to good to lose. And you say CW is arrogant......

Woody Hayes always lived in the moment. Don't confuse his passion for winning with arrogance. Typical example of this was during the 1968 practice when a player (I don't remember his name) hit Rex Kern real hard though Rex was wearing a black jersey. Woody told the player that he was out of the team, and taking his scholarship away. But later, he came around and convinced the player to stay. Woody has great regard for other human beings. On the other hand, Charlie Weis is arrogant by intention. He has shown a systematic disrespect and comprehensive disregard for other coaches who have achieved far FAR FAR more than he ever will.

Woody hayes refused to accept more money than a typical tenured faculty, and several times, he donated his entire paycheck to charity. He signed it and gave a lot to charity. It was only during the times of his retirement that things like that became known. Woody never took credit for his humility and charity. ND had to increase the amount of money they paid Weis because they were afraid he was going to go to the NFL if they didn't. Weis-A$$ takes credit for his arrogance. In fact, I'll say that the only thing about himself that Weis isn't proud of is his own fat A$$.

There are thousands of examples of when Woody's humility was on display. All you have to do is open your eyes to see it. You are just emphasizing your ignorance by what you said.

Don't compare Woody to Weis. You are comparing Mahatma Gandhi to Adolf Hitler. Don't defend Weis because he is an ND coach. He may be a great coach (I don't agree with that), but he will always be remembered as a terrible human being.
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Don't compare Woody to Weis. You are comparing Mahatma Gandhi to Adolf Hitler. Don't defend Weis because he is an ND coach. He may be a great coach (I don't agree with that), but he will always be remembered as a terrible human being.
Let's not go overboard, here. I rank Charlie Weiss up there with some real douchelozzle coaches.... but comparing the man to Adolf Hitler in any way, shape or form is pretty stupid.
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Don't Believe the (Preseason) Hype

For this exercise, we’ve sampled AP rankings from the last 35 years and are only evaluating schools that have been recognized in 10 or more preseason polls. Trying to cull some meaning out of, say, Kansas, Indiana or any other school that makes a once-every-decade cameo in summer rankings would prove fruitless.

Composite score represents the average annual number of spots a school's final ranking fell below its preseason ranking since 1971.

25. Ohio State – The Buckeyes are a fixture in the preseason polls, and they’ve earned that luxury through consistency. Ohio State has rarely deviated far from expectations, and when they do, it’s often in a northern direction, such as the 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996 squads, all of which were +6 or better at the end of the year. The one gross deviation that sticks out came from John Cooper’s 1999 team, which was picked ninth when the season kicked off, but went 6-6 and became the first Buckeye team in 11 years not to play in a bowl game.

*Composite Score: - 4.06

8. Notre Dame – Rejoice, Irish haters. The 35-year evidence bears out your long-held belief that Notre Dame football gets way more credit in the polls than it deserves. The Irish have been ranked in 30 preseasons since 1971, but have been able to maintain or improve upon that projection a mere eight times. And on 11 occasions, they slid completely off the charts by the time the final bowl game had been played. The last three times Notre Dame was ranked in the preseason—1999, 2001 and 2003—it failed to manufacture more than five wins.

*Composite Score: -10.40

Credit to scott91575 @ BN for this one.
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Woody was by far not a saint, however he was a caring human being that made his share of mistakes. I am dismayed by your reaction to the criticism of your coach. Defend him all you want and I would expect that, however tearing down another to make your coach look good is an act of desperation. I really don't have an opinion on Mr. Weis although I am kind of irked regarding his statement about the rings. A humble and self assured individual would not have even brought them up. Everybody knows he was a great "O" coordinator in the NFL, but he sought to tear down someone by comparing his rings to JT's. You give credit where credit is due.

I have never met your coach so therefore I don't have a positive nor a negative opinion of him. I did met Mr. Hayes on several occasions and he was very gracious with his time and knowledge. Woody did not come to my dorm hall to "blow his own horn", he came because he really cared about the students at OSU. He even did research and briefed us during his speech on how the dorm we resided in received it's name. Woody never even discussed football until he asked if there were any questions. See Woody never defined his life by football, he defined his life by the people he could help and influence and in turn how they would help and influence people. He was a great believer in "Paying Forward." Before he left my floor that day Woody Hayes, the idol of many of us at OSU gave me his home phone number and told me, "if you ever need anything or need me to address the students again give me a call." He didn't have to do that but he really cared for the students and The Ohio State University. Besides his number was already listed in the phone book.:biggrin:
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How about we just table the Woody-Weis comparisons. I think both sides have demonstrated that they cannot discuss the topic in a semi-civil manner. Both sides obviously have strong feelings about their respective coach, and negative things to say about the other coach.

It would be foolish to think this discussion would ever be anything but dings, warnings, and baiting.
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methomps said:
How about we just table the Woody-Weis comparisons. I think both sides have demonstrated that they cannot discuss the topic in a semi-civil manner. Both sides obviously have strong feelings about their respective coach, and negative things to say about the other coach.

It would be foolish to think this discussion would ever be anything but dings, warnings, and baiting.
i agree, i really think the bashing of charlie in a football thread is not approp. i ask all of you to show some class, the occasional joke and jest is fine, beating down on a guy for 250+ posts is not. if you want to do that start an al gore inventedish thread called "if you gave charlie two months..." or something.
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