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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

Oh8ch;1465778; said:
I would argue caution more than fear. There are major dollars at stake and if you make an accusation you need to be right and you need to be able to prove it.

That said, there sure is a lot of smoke.

Well, I understand that, and I don't want to dig up that horse that was beaten to death years ago, but ESPN has been known to jump the gun about a schools violations once or twice in the past.
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Tresselbeliever;1465786; said:
Lack of institution control is major thing isn't it? If there are isolated cases, the school authorities don't necessarily take a big hit. But if there's a lack of control, that's going to be major.

Lack of institutional control is the mother of all ncaa violations. It's what banners being taken down, scholarship losses, and potential death penalties are made of. Florida State's recent academic fraud scandal is a good example.

Interesting to see what comes of this, especially with football. Could see them giving a chrystal football back.
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BuckTwenty;1465797; said:
Lack of institutional control is the mother of all ncaa violations. It's what banners being taken down, scholarship losses, and potential death penalties are made of. Florida State's recent academic fraud scandal is a good example.

Interesting to see what comes of this, especially with football. Could see them giving a chrystal football back.

Not a chance. There will be enough hush money and stuff like that to keep people from talking. Nothing will happen unless someone at the school itself talks.
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BuckeyeMike80;1465820; said:
Not a chance. There will be enough hush money and stuff like that to keep people from talking. Nothing will happen unless someone at the school itself talks.

Yup- They are the program west of Texas, and in the second largest media center in the country. There's no way they receive any level of penalties, especially for football. They are LA's version of a professional team, and there's too much television money to be lost for the program to take any type of major hit.

Especially now that ESPN has created a headquarters in LA... UCLA won't provide the same level of following.
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MaliBuckeye;1465860; said:
Yup- They are the program west of Texas, and in the second largest media center in the country. There's no way they receive any level of penalties, especially for football. They are LA's version of a professional team, and there's too much television money to be lost for the program to take any type of major hit.

Especially now that ESPN has created a headquarters in LA... UCLA won't provide the same level of following.

I think it's more basic than that.

People stand to lose a TON of money invested if the football program goes down.

The same thing has happened in some parts or the SEC. If people don't talk to the investigators, the investigators have absolutely ZERO subpoena power outside of school employees. Some of those boosters would are likely rather cutthroat when it comes to people talking. And it's not just a USC problem either.
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If any school is found to have lack of institutional control by the ncaa, there's not much doubt that there will be probation and a loss of scholarships. I'd expect nothing less than that. Happened to FSU sports and our basketball program and in both of those situations, there was also a forfiture (sp?) of wins which cost us a final four banner and Coach Bowden the all-time wins lead. Forfeiting games that Reggie Bush played isn't unrealistic by any means. The groundwork for that has already been laid.

Now, if the NCAA finds that there wasn't a lack of institutional control, the penalties (if there are any) will be slaps on the wrist.

You can tell me that the NCAA will be sympathetic to USC because of ESPN and "hush money", but the NCAA has proved to not be so sympathetic in the recent past with regards to lack of institutional control and I tend to think that trend will continue if USC is found guilty.
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methomps;1448471; said:
These rumors ignore the fact that SC is entitled to receive a notice of allegations, to respond to those allegations, and then receive a hearing in front of the committee on infractions.


Jed, the crowd's a gittin' ugly...
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