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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

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NCAA combines investigations into USC athletics - Los Angeles Times

NCAA investigations into former USC stars in football and basketball have been combined into one probe of the Trojans' athletic program, sources connected to one of the cases said Wednesday. Investigators have been examining allegations involving Heisman Trophy-winning running back Reggie Bush and NBA lottery pick O.J. Mayo.

I think this could mean one of two things: the NCAA has just given up on nailing USC for either case and wants to minimize the resources they waste while trying to look like they're doing their job, or that they're looking at the dreaded lack of institutional control charge. Either way, it seems that this thing is intractable and justice will never be served.
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I don't think they'll get hit with the 'lack of institutional control' charge; but I believe their situation warrants getting hit with the lesser 'failure to monitor'.

The length of the investigation is amazing. Apparently they were hoping to get some testimony from litigation involving Reggie Bush, but it seems like that will probably never happen.
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Here's another article from NY Times about the same.
A report that the N.C.A.A. has merged its inquiries into two former star athletes for the University of Southern California could indicate that investigators are focusing their attention on whether the university lost control over its athletic program, legal experts and lawyers involved in the cases said Friday.

Since 2006, the N.C.A.A. has been investigating whether Reggie Bush, now a running back for the New Orleans Saints, and his family took as much as $300,000 in cash and goods from a would-be marketing agent while he was playing for Southern California. Last year, similar charges surfaced about O.J. Mayo, who played basketball for one season for the Trojans before being drafted in 2008 by the Memphis Grizzlies. Bush and Mayo have each denied the allegations.

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Colvinnl;1448435; said:
Seems rumors are going around about the possible sanctions. There is not much reason to give them much credibility as far as I can tell but I figured they are worth posting anyhow. Combining the two investigations cannot be a good sign as far as institutional control goes.

The Daily Shillelagh: USC is about to go down... hard
I give little credibility to a Ntre Dame blog site. Much as I'd like to see the payola to Lil Bush and his dawgs result in sanctions to USC, I'll believe it when I see it.
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Noose tightening?

USC probe centers on control

NCAA investigators appear to be building a case to show the University of Southern California has demonstrated a lack of institutional control and failure to monitor some aspects of its football and men?s basketball programs, multiple sources interviewed in the probe told Yahoo! Sports.


Source: Floyd gave cash to Mayo handler

USC men?s basketball coach Tim Floyd made a direct cash payment to a man who helped deliver O.J. Mayo to the Trojans program, according to Louis Johnson, a former member of Mayo?s inner circle.

Johnson, a one-time Mayo confidant, has told both NCAA investigators and federal authorities ? including the FBI, IRS and U.S. Attorney?s Office ? that Floyd gave at least $1,000 in cash to Rodney Guillory, a man who allegedly lavished Mayo with improper benefits while the guard starred for the Trojans.

Such an act would constitute a major NCAA violation for USC, which is the subject of an ongoing three-year investigation into alleged improprieties in both the football and men?s basketball programs.

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Interesting... It will be interesting to see how long before this gets any major attention. It feels like the media is almost afraid to go after USC, of all the information I have seen, it seems the only media outlet that's giving any information is Yahoo Sports.
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OCBucksFan;1465698; said:
Interesting... It will be interesting to see how long before this gets any major attention. It feels like the media is almost afraid to go after USC, of all the information I have seen, it seems the only media outlet that's giving any information is Yahoo Sports.

It's on the front page of ESPN now.
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It feels like the media is almost afraid to go after USC,

I would argue caution more than fear. There are major dollars at stake and if you make an accusation you need to be right and you need to be able to prove it.

That said, there sure is a lot of smoke.
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