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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

If NCAA does rule Bush ineligible retroactively, they will impose forfeiture penalties on USC. In this case, I think it is far more likely that USC will appeal those forfeited games, just like OU did with Bomar. It is highly unlikely that USC will actually have to forfeit games.
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Galaxy trades Carlos Ruiz - Los Angeles Times

The civil lawsuit against Reggie Bush was put on hold again when the running back's attorney appealed a judge's ruling.

Bush's attorney, David Cornwell, said he expects "multiple, multiple months" before an appellate court decides on the matter.

The delay affects NCAA investigators who have been waiting to see testimony and other evidence from the case. They want to know if Bush received improper benefits while playing at USC and, just as important, if the school knew.

At issue is a San Diego judge's denial of a defense motion to have the case settled by confidential arbitration.

The appeal again postpones the depositions of Lloyd Lake and his former business partner, Michael Michaels, who allege they gave cash and gifts to Bush and his family while Bush played at USC.
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methomps;1234302; said:
My understanding is that, given the state's preference for arbitration over litigation, you have immediate options available if your motion to compel arbitration is denied.
Interesting. From a judicial economy angle I can sorta see the reason, but in as much as it's not the kind of ruling which conclusively determines anything regarding the merits I don't see the point of allowing it... not that my opinion about the benefits or consequences of such a law have any weight.

Seems to me, also, that such a provision would be open to abuse for unjudtly delaying proceedings. Honestly, and I know you can't draw this conclusion, it smacks of needless delay in my mind.
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...and now, the REST of the story

methomps;1234117; said:
Galaxy trades Carlos Ruiz - Los Angeles Times

The civil lawsuit against Reggie Bush was put on hold again when the running back's attorney appealed a judge's ruling.

Bush's attorney, David Cornwell, said he expects "multiple, multiple months" before an appellate court decides on the matter.

The delay affects NCAA investigators who have been waiting to see testimony and other evidence from the case. They want to know if Bush received improper benefits while playing at USC and, just as important, if the school knew.

At issue is a San Diego judge's denial of a defense motion to have the case settled by confidential arbitration.

The appeal again postpones the depositions of Lloyd Lake and his former business partner, Michael Michaels, who allege they gave cash and gifts to Bush and his family while Bush played at USC.

David Wharton's AP story, quoted above, fails to give the Bush basis for the motion to compel confidential arbitration. The Bush team argues in its filed motion that the settlement with Michael Michaels requires confidential arbitration. It argues that the once-alleged, now-admitted improper benefits have already been repaid by dint of the Micheals settlement; it does not contest the actuality of the NCAA violations. The judge ruled that she found no evidence that Lake was a party to the mostly redacted Bush/Michaels settlement and so was not bound to its terms and conditions (i.e., confidential arbitration).

This is an on-the-record admission of guilt and the grossly over-used "IF" can be officially abandoned -- as if the overwhelming evidence did not support that abandonment a long time ago. The Lake allegations have been confirmed by the Bush team and all that remains contested is whether or not those benefits are paid back or still due. He did in fact receive those improper benefits that make him ineligible, albeit retroactively. That being a matter of public record, it is only a matter of time before the NCAA rules accordingly and requires appropriate forfeitures -- or can any school do this? Then the BCS will have to adopt a rule that says teams cannot cheat, use ineligible players, The Trojan Rule, as if everyone does not know this already. A fan base/institution with integrity would preemptively self-impose those forfeitures and the immediate return of the ill-gained Crystal Trophy. Will that honorable response be forthcoming? Anyone offering odds?

Also not mentioned in the story is the 800-pound gorilla in the Bush scandal, the role of sports agent Michael Ornstein, the Trojan booster who employed Bush while he was a student at USC and secured him as a pro client and who paid Bush family away-game travel expenses and is alleged to have paid around $2500/month to the family while they were defrauding Lake/Michaels. That 800-pound gorilla. Ornstein is the OTHER ex-con sports agent involved in this affair. This one is a certified USC BOOSTER. One might ask how a guy like that (an ex-con sports agent??) could be welcome into the Trojan fold. No one seems to be asking that question of Heritage Hall. No one asked how Guillory was present IN Heritage Hall when Mayo faxed his LOI. No one asks Heritage Hall anything; the name of the game in the Trojan Nation is win and no one cares how. Get us those bragging rights! Fight On (by whatever means)! These back-to-back scandals are the result of fans not demanding accountability from Heritage Hall. Had the Trojan apologists not fallen into denial over Bush, had they not gone coast-to-coast with their repetitive message board mantra, "he's an ex-con, it's jealousy, it's hatred, everybody does it," the Mayo case would never have happened. It is NOT jealousy or hatred or universal cheating, it is corruption in Heritage Hall and Trojans ought to have nipped it in the bud. So there was round 2.

The Lake suit can yield evidence on this OTHER matter because the suit alleges that the payments received by the Bush family from Ornstein were a specific breech of contract; they had promised to take from the Lake/Michaels group exclusively. The current delay in the proceedings -- the appeal of the no-brainer decision by the judge (Lake was clearly NOT a party to the Michaels settlement and is not bound by its hush money conditions) -- is likely to be followed by more stalling tactics until Lake is offered a settlement that hushes him up too. So USC can still skate on the Ornstein angle and the draconian penalties which they deserve. But already admitted violations by the best paid athlete in amateur sports history ought put 2004 and 2005 in its proper historical context: the one guy Pete Carroll says was responsible for the 2004 undefeated season, Reggie Bush, was a pro ringer, an ineligible player. Their achievements were acquired by cheating. Spin it as you wish, that is what the uncontested public record already shows. Please, no more IF's! No more bragging on the soon-to-be-vacated NC of 2004 and if that results in Trojans going back to sponging off LSU, the one and only Champion of 2003 -- as are ALL Champions in the BCS era by unanimous agreement and contract of and by all participating schools -- then expect a billboard touting No-Pete with a picture of Bush with 2 vertical lines through his #5.
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When does the statute of limitations run out? I remember the NCAA didn't even pursue the Woodson case because it had run out. What if Bush's attorneys' excellent stalling tactics lead to the case being postponed so far that the statute of limitations run out?
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