I watched Sanchez's press conference. He declared that he was coming out, and that he'd always be a Trojan, loved the time with his teammates, and that he would always "Fight on". Pretty much everything you'd expect him to say.
Then Pete Carroll came to the microphones, and all I can say is "Wow!".
Pete clearly disagreed with the decision. He said that Sanchez was going 'against the grain', and things like he wouldn't be taking advantage of all the opportunities at USC, and that the NFL only has film of 16 starts for him, and that half the QBs that come out early aren't successful in the NFL. Pete said that players considering the NFL go through a process at USC, and that Sanchez was 'hammered' with information during the process. Pete also said he felt like he was a father to Sanchez. FYI, Mark isn't really leaving college early, he will have his degree before he plays in the NFL (he's been there for 4 years, the first of which was a redshirt).
I was stunned at how negative Carroll was, just moments after Sanchez announced his decision - what should be a joyous occasion for the Sanchez family had USC's coach throwing cold water on the proceedings. It was basically "good luck, but you're making a mistake".
In my opinion, that was a classless move by Carroll, and it appeared to me that Pete is really interested in having players stay at USC for the good of USC and Carroll, not in making the decision that's best for them.

So you're disagreeing with me? :p