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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

bukIpower;1729003; said:
What about Ariza? He goes to the Rockets doesn't come through for them and Instead Artest wins it with the Lakers? We were heavy after him and we didn't get him? what about it? If we would've gotten him I would've shook my head too. Look I'm all for having some of the players we have had we had one other player that we can say "Ok, if Lebron doesn't do it, He can step in for a short time to carry us" We just never had that.

It wasn't as much about the player as it was about the story on why he didn't come to Cleveland. But I think I'm tired of trying to get through to you...good luck with future endeavors.
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Were they good? Of Course! But only because Lebron was averaging 30/10 pretty much. I believe we benefited from a poor division and an overall weak conference. We did a lot of good with the talent we had, but we were not a championship caliber team IMO.

Hey if you think the Cavs can win it all with Jamison, Williams, Hickson, West, Vaerejo, moon, and Gibson then I bet you believe we only need one more piece now that LBJ is gone? Got to admit now that LBJ is gone the roster doesnt look that good. Where as you take Pierce away from Boston they still got Rondo, Garnette, and Allen.
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billmac91;1729007; said:
Dude, what's complicated about this?? He commits to the Cavs long-term and free-agents are willing to come to Cleveland. We're not talking about deadline deal trades, but straight-up free agent signings of players who want to play with LeBron.

But who in God's name are you recruiting to Cleveland when LeBron himself refuses to commit to the city. Every potential free agent the Cavs went after balked at coming to Cleveland for fear of being stuck in the city when LeBron bolted.

Even Shaq was traded for, and knew he only had a year on his contract. LeBron has held this team hostage, and now bolts at first opportunity. It's bull[censored]....but at least he severely tarnished his legacy.

I can't even count how many texts I've gotten from friends across the country saying what a douchebag LeBron is and how they hope he fails. This coming from casual fans of other teams who liked LeBron...no more. And I don't think LeBron realizes how much he will be hated nationally.

Great post. I'm having a tough time swallowing this one, and it doesn't make it any easier thinking that I will never be able to hate him. I just can't root for him. Ever again.

I believe he would've been looked at more positively if he had a 15 year-championship-less career in Cleveland rather than a 15 year, city hopping, betraying everyone else, career that he is going to wind up with. Nothing in sports is comparable to this for me.
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billmac91;1729009; said:
It wasn't as much about the player as it was about the story on why he didn't come to Cleveland. But I think I'm tired of trying to get through to you...good luck with future endeavors.

I just see more the organization to blame, not LBJ. That's where I'm saying the Cavs failed billmac they weren't able to lure anyone to come to Cleveland like Amare or Bosh to convince Lebron they will do what is necessary to surround him with great players.

I think most of us Cleveland fans are just bitter because we can't freakin keep out best players. The Indians, the Cavs, and the Browns.

Look at what LBJ really did. He left home, and left tons of money on the table for a shot to win a Championship. I for one can't fault him because I just personally felt like the team around him in Cleveland could've been better constructed. It's not like i'm sayin the Cavs organization surrounded him with crap because they were quality players but just not players that it would take to make it to the top.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1729018; said:
At this point he might as well show up to the OSU/Miami game wearing camo fatigues and a Ray Lewis jersey.

First, Ohio State needs to remove itself of the LBJ23 line immediately. If they're still rocking his gear next season, someone's head should roll.

And if LeBron thinks he can claim Ohio State and still come to the Shoe, Tressel should take personal pride in putting a foot up his ass.
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My personal outlook of the future of NE Ohio as it relates to DeLonte's Bitch's Son.

The sun is going to rise in about 5 hours.

Pending a natural disaster, my house will still be here, with my wife and 2 kids as well as myself soundly asleep, awaiting another wonderful day in life.

Life is great!

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bukIpower;1729015; said:
I just see more the organization to blame, not LBJ. That's where I'm saying the Cavs failed billmac they weren't able to lure anyone to come to Cleveland like Amare or Bosh to convince Lebron they will do what is necessary to surround him with great players.

I think most of us Cleveland fans are just bitter because we can't freakin keep out best players. The Indians, the Cavs, and the Browns.

Look at what LBJ really did. He left home, and left tons of money on the table for a shot to win a Championship. I for one can't fault him because I just personally felt like the team around him in Cleveland could've been better constructed. It's not like i'm sayin the Cavs organization surrounded him with crap because they were quality players but just not players that it would take to make it to the top.

the suns wouldn't take the deal for amare and bosh knew lebron was going to miami, so why would he agree to be traded to cleveland? the bottom line is lebron refused to commit long term to the cavs, then cried to the media about getting help around him. when other free agents refused to sign with cleveland, they were left to pick up who they could to appease this jackass, instead of building the team the right way. the end result was trading bad contracts for other longer bad contracts of better players. it still resulted in the best record in the nba 2 years running, which doesn't happen without talent, period.
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billmac91;1729020; said:
First, Ohio State needs to remove itself of the LBJ23 line immediately. If they're still rocking his gear next season, someone's head should roll.

And if LeBron thinks he can claim Ohio State and still come to the Shoe, Tressel should take personal pride in putting a foot up his ass.

5 million percent agree with this. LeBron needs to stay away from Ohio in general... he's got no home anymore in my opinion cause it is certainly not here...
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