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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

OHSportsFan9;1729044; said:
2nd link on google when I type 'Trevor Ariza Cleveland Cavaliers'

Source: LeBron James tells recruit he'll stay with Cleveland Cavaliers - ESPN

This was all covered extensively last summer and in previous potential deals throughout Bitchmade's stay.

Sorry but that don't fly...

LeBron James told Ariza he would remain with the Cavaliers past 2010, according to a person close to Ariza.

A person close to Ariza? That could have been his cleaning lady.
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While it's certainly his right to go wherever to play, those who blame the team
for not doing enough to surround him with talent are just wrong. If he truely was most concerned with winning Championships, he would have signed a max deal on his last contract, rather than a 3 and option. Ferry and Gilbert were under the gun to do anything possible during those 3 years. It would have been much easier making a long term plan, had they known they could count on him being there for six years. When you see Trevor Ariza say he didn't sign in Cle. because he got no assurances James would be there long term, you just know that no matter what, the team could not get any good players to sign there.

He wanted Larry Hughes.
He wanted Mo Williams.
He wanted Shaq.
He wanted Jamison.
He wanted Varejao re-signed.

Please don't kid yourself, all those decisions went through James.

The team has shown that going into luxury tax territory is not a deterrent at all. Don't say Gilbert or the team failed to get him help. They sure spent money trying to get him help.

IMO, he's as much to blame, if not more, for the team not getting him his Pippen.

If Gilbert can be blamed for anything, it's trying to hard to coddle him.

I just hope Gilbert , rather than making trades for other players, makes trades for picks to start this over. Play with the team you have, get into the lottery a few times , and learn how to draft.
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I don't care if we go 2-80 next season as long as those 2 wins are against the Miami fucking Heat in downtown mother fucking Cleveland. I also hope other Cleveland athletes (cough cough Josh Cribbs) blast his punk ass from here to South Beach on Twitter.

And now for the craziest thing i've ever said/thought.....

I'm now a Skip Bayless fan (brb gotta throw up)
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billmac91;1729060; said:
Had to change the Avatar again...i'm def buying this shirt tomorrow though. Maybe someone can blow it up big..I'm not good at it.

holy shit that's priceless. It's late and it took me a second to realize what it was saying but good god that's awesome.

I personally hope LeBron has a step brother on the way...
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